Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Crisis of Leadership in Maine

 So did you all get to see the New Gov. T.V. ? Brought to us all by The Foundation for a better life. What is this organization that would freely bring us such a capitol program? The foundation for a better life is beyond a doubt a christian religious organization. So, I feel very free in saying that King Paul has brought religion in to sponsor his Monarchy in Maine. Regardless of the beautiful Mormonic messages, of how if we just cared about our little lives and ignored the big picture we would all be saved the pain of life, this is wrong. Get religion out of Maine politics now! To not air this program on Maine Public Television is also wrong. Many of us in Maine have no cable t.v. and no computer. We still receive our television free over the air. This is no accident though, the exclusion of Maine's greatest media asset is calculated and gross. The Red Agenda hopes for it's removal from the people as a bank of the mindful trust.
   Now on to King Paul's biggest problem,"trying to keep the political rhetoric out of the daily work." Yes, folks according to Lepage this is "the biggest challenge in government." Really? So stealing from the Pension, that is easier then dealing with the conversations about it? Taxing all of the public sector workers in the State an extra 2% and giving a 2% increase to the general fund on their backs is easier than dealing with rhetoric? Hiring for loyalty rather than experience, that is easier than listening to people's problems with it? There are just so many examples of why Lepage is a crisis of Leadership. Not being able to think is just One of the stand outs. The entire Red Agenda that he and his cronies are pushing is to lead you to believe that all of your problems stem from personal accountability and personal responsibility; indeed we are his social problem (just watch the commercials). Rather than state it is the Corporate welfare (that he is all for), healthcare, livable wages and poverty that are the problems. Yes, if we would just be managed, like a business, government's people problem would be gone. Sorry, Mr. Lepage I am not your Business. I am a Native Son of Maine and America. Proud enough to say to you, in no way do you represent the best of Maine or America. You in fact, are the New Corporate Ignominy of America. We are not your units of labor, "we are the People of Maine."
    Folks, as to the Movies that want to come to Maine that ol' Pauly speaks of, well if you take a look at who Philip Anschutz is and his Conservative agenda, that his holdings include not only The foundation for a better life, but oil, Internet and oh yes, Large movie making companies among other things, you can easily understand why King Paul has No problem with the Corporate welfare to bring these to Maine. Funny thing he is willing to say 0% of $80million is still 0% as it relates to movies. I say, 0% honesty of 100% politics is 0% leadership. Lepage seems to think that we are open for Business. Come, leave your money and trash. Don't worry about picking up after yourselves, we'll do that for Nothing.  Everything leaves the people of Maine picking up the tab. As he grows our wages lower, the tax burden will grow. If business does not pay its "fair share" we go to hell. But we will all have the Corporate welfare job!! That is so nice. People open your eyes, do your home work. Everyone pays, or no one pays!!  To subsidize your own decay as a state is a very funny business plan and only  Lepage could think it just, fair and equitable.
             One more note, Lepage wants the Power to appoint Judges to A new EPA (LD1). These Judges would not even have to face review of the joint standing committee. Please, review this Document carefully, it is a gross miscarriage of Justice in Maine. Also he thinks a quorum of Two is legitimate to conduct business for the majority. (Governor's proposed amendment to LD1, an act to ensure regulatory fairness and reform.)              
               Be well, Keep thinking. All the best to you. Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sitting with the doors closed and the blinds drawn

       So on the tail of another great executive edict,  Mr. Transparency Lepage has stated, "you can't get inside my head." A perfect statement from a paranoid delusional, but not great coming from a governor of any State, let alone the one we live in. When someone feels secrecy is their best option it is because their intentions are to violate something. Whether that is the people's trust, laws, or rights, who can say. The facts are clear though King Paul has no intentions of having an open Government. Our right to a government that is, "of the people, by the people and for the people," has been taken! His administration, Cabinet and Staff, is being run by Agenda tanks of the thoughtless, careless and mistaken. The Maine Heritage Policy Center and  Americans for Prosperity (staff of one in Maine?) Carol Weston, along with the other long arms of the Kochtapussy. These entities set themselves up as 509c and 501.c.3. non-profits. In this way they avoid taxes and create a system of tax deductible contributions. These are one-sided policy pushers, with no thought of truth or "summum bonum."
          Everything put forward by them, when broken down becomes a free-market push for the Corporations to form Federal Constitutional Monarchies. Indeed when you can control all the policy and all the wealth, you can control the government. Which is exactly what the Republicans in Washington are trying to do right now. Asserting their agenda, while denying they are complicit. Cutting the  people out of government and handing Our government to the very Corporations that have forced this nation to bankruptcy. What we see right now in Maine is a bought and paid for Governor incapable of leadership waiting for his Koch orders via a Bragdon, a Bowen or the RGA. So he sits and waits in secrecy, growing a small hairy lip covering and taking his meds.  The problem here is not only the lack of transparency, but the intent of these people. They never overlay facts to see a central truth. They are takers of all, and will lie to do it. These are intelligent people, which means they know there are greater truths than they put forward. They just do not care about the State of Maine, or the people. It is a modern manifest destiny; you are in their way. Believing they are justified because they took your money. Now they come for the institutions. The most foolish amongst them believes Trickle Down economics works and they stand with their heads up and mouths open like so many little birds, waiting for momma to drop a bug or worm perhaps, down their gullets. The most intelligent amongst them knows it is a theft of wealth and power. When the great analysts finally wrap their heads around the facts and work these issues down to the marrow of the matter, they will see that this has been a civil war and that the American People are lost or losing. This two party system is an abysmal failure, for it comes down to waste on the one side, greed on the other and neither have realism and truth at their core. I can not support this puppet government. Paul Lepage is unqualified and incapable of leadership of the people. He has never thought of people and never will. If we are to live for the "Corporate State" and sacrifice our desire for clean environments, well educated independent children and livable wages; we might as well load the Cannons now, stuff the tenets of the country in as batting and light the fuse. Better too obliterate the truth than live with the lie. 
                        All the best to you. Keep thinking, Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Tyrant Speaks to a Minority

     With thoughts of Surplus and Salvage in mind let's look at the Facts of King Paul and his chosen ones.
Yesterday King Paul stepped out on OUR front porch to address his Iced tea people(frozen and fact-less), the 70 or so people who think they have enough education to fill State positions, as they become vacated by the educated. The King Stated, "the only people not complaining are the ones working to pay the bills." Really, this is to say that all of the State workers and their supporters are not working and paying more than their fair share of taxes!! Ass. Look at your base, their contribution to our State. Are they really the givers, the compassionate conservatives, the College educated, freethinkers of a society? Or are they the angry because they did not seek further study, did not learn the complex process of information distillation. Where other than loyalty to your ineptitude do they display any thought for the truth, health and wealth of OUR State? Cuts must be made, bills must be paid and the Truth must lead the way. Your hyperbolic rhetoric does nothing for Our State. Does nothing in Fact for any of US; The people that pay our bills. This is an everyone struggle, tight times have befallen us all. The reality of the situation is you and your little ever shrinking minority are on the wrong side of History. To lower the wages, and rip away the last true benefits of the gainfully employed is to create a fast food economy. It truly is a mission of deception and leads to a place where no comparison is left for the poor to strive too. As we rid ourselves of a hard working middle that does have the promise of a better future to strive for, we shall be left with a "Why should I even care to try mentality." You know, the one you propagated at Mardens (one year of hard work to find you can get nothing and there is no where to go from here, so why show up for work).
IF you succeed in reducing the educated, working people to the benefit of the average MARDENS worker you will have the laziest, uncaring and most ridiculous state in the Northeast. A brain drain will and is occurring as we speak. For you discount all that is good, true and right; this is criminal. Your business model is that of the Fascist and when the people are your mere unit of Labor, they shall wake up as they do in China every day and not give a flying F**k what they do!  You Have no virtue, no redeeming quality and are entirely of no worth to an argument to save a civil and just society.  When the people wake up, you shall feel truth for the very first time. The People are not a business, our government is not a company and you are ignorant.  You have yet to create any job for this state. Put forth any thing that would actually create a job or create revenue for this State. In fact all you have done is create division, fear and Waste of resources.  Creating poverty lends itself to poverty. You lift no one, and your minority seeks only to lower everyone. Ignoring the truth, instilling the lies does no good to cover the facts, many of us read, think and live as civil majority citizens, looking to and striving for the best we all can be.  Corporate institutions in no way reflect what the truth of work's value or the truth of worth in a people is. Corporations are cheap, nasty and barely accountable for their sins against human kind. A government by design is to set the example; To Be The TRUTH!  You went out of your way yesterday to ignore the Majority on the other side of the State house, near your office. Where hundreds of people gathered to be heard and know that in any way you heard then or Cared at all.  You have chosen and that is clear. Now the people have chosen to Stand against you to drive you Out. Govern Our State, for the people, with the people in Mind or prepare to leave. The choice is yours, it always has been. Good luck, Start Thinking!!
                                                          Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Where were you when the New Civil War started?

   There is in this Country and in Our own State an underestimated swelling of people demanding a government that is representative of the people. For the powers that be to overlook this fact is to their own detriment. Though it is to your advantage. The idea has not yet fixed itself in the mind of the politician that not only can we decipher facts, we can make choices based on facts. Their lies are as transparent as their thin Onion skin and their facts are just as odorous. An example: King Paul Lepage says, "the public employee stands to gain 2% in their pay next year by ending the furlough days," (which had been proposed to save the State money). Never stating that He is taking 2% from all the State workers as part of his Pension Theft Plan. This 2% he will take from people's paychecks will never even go into the pension fund, it will go into the General fund. Yet we are to believe it is reform. Do any of you know that The State of Maine does not pay into Social Security, like our employers do, like we do? We pay about 6.2% of our pay to S.S. and our Employer matches that with another 6.2%. In the State of Maine a retirement system is used instead of S.S. The State only pays 5.5%(which it has not been paying) and the employee pays 7.2% of their check in. The State has a better deal then all of the Private sector companies. Yet they are pretending like the people are the burden. So now King PAUL says: 'We will make them Pay 9.2% of the pay into the pension, but we will reform the pension by upping the retirement age and canceling cost of living increases. That way we can take these projected savings, apply them to the Pension system and keep the 2% that we take out of the employees' pay checks right in the general fund.' People, I ask you, How is this Not Theft?.
        If anything, business should be up in arms demanding a better deal, or joining the State plan so they too could pay only 5.5% of their employees' retirement. But, alas no, they will be happy to get Huge depreciation tax breaks on equipment and that whooping one sixth of one percent tax cut that will help all of us so much. When the People finally wake up to the fact that the RED AGENDA is a Corporate push to remove the people completely from their Government, it will be War. Our form of Government exists, Of the people, by the people and for the people. What they are planning looks nothing like that. It looks more like: Of their money, for their money, Buy their product. The end product is the consumption of YOU.
       The tea party keeps trying to push the idea upon me that workers in Unions are communists. I have a hard time swallowing that. Under their Idea, every group that negotiates a discount on insurance or by buying something in bulk would be communist. Thus, Walmart is the Biggest communist faction in the nation without a union. This may be, for crushing other businesses till they are the only one seems to be their agenda and at all costs, even when it means losing money.
None of our current Problems stem from the people of this country not contributing their fair share. Yes there are some free riders: welfare, criminals riding along in prisons, mental incompetents that can not work or contribute. Though for the most part these free riders and their costs could be absorbed by the population. ALL of our problems come from the chronic waste of poor government. The waste of expedience and the theft of Corporations and their lobbyists.  Our problems stem from the choice of wars paid for on a credit card. With no Country, NO Corporation held accountable for the debt. No, instead the Corporations collected interest on the debt and we just casually called them Bailouts. The lies are great and growing. As these people try to blow smoke into Our eyes so we no longer see the truth, I would say where there is smoke there is Fire. It is Time for the People to rush toward the Fire despite the smoke. Beat the fire out, hose it down, set counter fires to remove fuel that allows the fire to spread, dig trenches and fire lines. But for the sake of God and Country, for the Love of our children and our Lives, to save the REPUBLIC stand up now. Armed with truth and your rights to YOUR GOVERNMENT.
                           I thank all of you who turned out yesterday at the State House. 500+ realize that the real war has started. Spread the word, grow your numbers or lose your State, and then your Country. The Choice is yours it always has been.        
      Be well, do good work, Keep thinking.   Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Maine!! Only you, can save your State!!

   We have seen outright lies. A pure New Red Agenda of hate and greed. The people in government no longer matter, as long as they are Loyal. The people governed no longer matter, in fact they have been reduced to be the only problem of the State. It is, as if the people are "in the way" of a good democratic government. WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT. Before you make your plans for this weekend please consider joining "The People Of MAINE in Augusta". This Saturday, we will be heard. We will put this new Agenda on notice that "Our State is Our State." Petty Tyrants will not be taken lightly. As One voice we are a state, alone we are an opinion. No person will ever regret being on the right side of History. This I beg of you, Be on the Side of Maine's History! Stand together Saturday, Feb. 26th.
    Maine Matters. You Matter. Our homes, our children, our agenda. OUR GOVERNMENT!!!
                The people of the Great State of Maine. Representatives of the United States of America.

Let's all have coffee in Augusta.

What part of the truth?

   When a State needs hope, why would we rip it away? When the truth is plain and easy to see, why would we lie? Do people matter? Is our government to be reduced to a Financial transaction? Fiscal responsibility is an absolute problem. Why then do we not hold those Accountable for the theft, responsible for the theft? Acting as if the people have stolen the wealth of a State and a Nation is what the Criminal minds have planned. It is the perfect frame up; you get to fight it out. Killing yourselves to live. Everything is being reduced down now to a global economy. One where The Corporate giants collect all of your capital and spend it on a world stage to gain more power over other nations.  You suffer for their gross growth. Calling it free trade is a misnomer it is a 'killing trade', free from all the people. The outcome, power and control until there is no profit left. Do you really believe that Corporate power should be the Worlds form of Government? We fight for little, all the while losing it all. Who will address the truth? The problem is not you and me perse, it is 'control of us' for profit in a World eat World Corporate cattle call. Only the King of Businessland would follow this model!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Wherever the Truth Appears It is Its Own Evidence

   So here we are again ready to concede our right to that of big business bullies that believe they in their own right are just. Would the truth need to be hidden from the people if the acts were just? Would the People feel that their idea of life in Maine was hanging in the balance if the people's work was being done? How in one month's time can a man cause such distain and disgust in a people. To state that "the Governor's transitional team was not involved in government business," is a flat out lie. To deny the public access to the documents that are now at work on public policy is criminal. Worse yet, to Govern a State to only further a party and one's personal agenda is tyrannical. 
    People are measured by their words and actions; these two show a hidden truth. People who choose to spread fear, should be feared. The very idea of telling a population "the problem is worse than he thought" is to spread this fear, that the people will concede their State to his will, deeming it just.  When a fireworks bill is presented as an emergency piece of Legislation, look out- the real emergency is to run you over before you wake up!  King Paul's new reform of the Pension fund is more of the same theft practiced by 'Joc' Mckernan. This is by design to steal money from it rather than make it solvent. Adding the supposed $63 million to education from this theft is a bone to the dogs, for them to fight over. All the while large black marks will be left upon the backs of the people of our State. All money saved by reforming the State Retirement System must by law and right be put back into that system for solvency. This money is not general fund money. All of this money will have been paid for and by State workers, yet will not be paid into the fund; It will be kept in the general fund. $524 million! Then you, oh blessed Mainer, get a whooping .6%, that is one sixth of a percent tax cut. I say keep it. This is another rancid bone thrown at you, in hopes that it hits you squarely in the head, thus rendering your thoughts useless.
     As I sit here and write this our economy seems to be on the rise. What was the blackest night seems to be settling out into a deep gray. Through all of our present National problems Maine fared better than the rest of the country. How can that be if we are in such dire-straights? King Paul's "Shared Sacrifice Plan" has only the state worker, the retiree and the poor sharing the Burden, while the top will benefit greatly from even the smallest tax cuts.  It appears that the idea of "trickle down" economics is still in the minds of some, but this does not work. To give the wealthy money is to patronize them. They feel and act as if better than you. They do not use free money to invest in jobs. No. It is not until they are being squeezed for money, that they try to create new cash flow; New jobs!
Where is the motivation to go get, be, or create new jobs when you get your money from the government as an earned interest in keeping the people poor? The Governor said if you want to "get ahead, get a job," thusly implying you do not work. Ask him how long someone would have to work at Mardens to get ahead. How many hours would there be before the realization that the head was an ass for even thinking such a line could help. There is no doubt that we must work. That we work in earnest and toward a better richer life, with time for the enrichment of our lives, is the base need. This part your employers (all) deprive you of. And deliberately so, for if given the opportunity, you know their business better than they and out the door you would go, to compete against them.  Where is the livable wage? Watch and wait for your trickle down. As you work harder, better, faster there is no more. Only you can provide for you. It is the very nature of Business to suppress cost and we are it!  The cost of not having a livable wage has always been passed onto our Government and we can see the effects of it now in dramatic fashion. Yet, who gets the bailout? The War Machine, The Banker, The Sicocorp, The Insurer, the very thieves that would not pay in the first. For fear that you might better yourselves.
      Please do not believe for one second that your Power, your Rights trickle down from above. You are the Government of Maine. Where there are lies demand truth! Where there is injustice, demand justice! Where there is work do work! It is always the pleasure of Business to reform a people rather than the business. It is as if the regulations are there to stop the business, not safeguard and encourage the people. As this big business, trickle down agenda takes affect watch Our State, for the deficit will grow, even in the good economy to come! Ronald Regan proved it!

     Maine has been moved to pre-plan its attempts to save our State. The Maine Peoples Veto Alliance (now formally named The Maine Voters Alliance) has had its first official meeting and judging from the attendance people are angry, frightened, confused and down right pissed. Not a good place to be for a State.
        I would like all of you to understand that as bills are passed into Law this session they do not go into effect until 90 days after the legislative session ends. That means pay attention, if you do not like a law when the Session ends, we have 10 days to submit the paper work to petition the law and 90 days to get enough signatures. In this case 60,000 to force the law unto the ballot where it will be voted on by the people of Maine. It is a pass or fail but in a last resort case it is the best option. I would urge all of you to contact your Representatives before any bill you do not agree with ever passes in the first place. That they will listen I can not say, but let your voice be heard.

        I do not believe in big expensive government, nor an ever expansive government. But I do believe in a Government of the people, by the people and for the people. Regardless of the special interests, the people are the only interest. Maine is yours, stand up for it or live with whatever trickles down.
   The choice is yours, it always has been. Be well, Do good work, God bless you and yours.
                                                    Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page


Friday, February 11, 2011

It is worse than he thought. But please don't you bother to think!

    Hey how about that .60% tax cut? Where are you going to spend all that? The State is in worse shape then King Paul thought, or so he says. Yet out of the kindness of his heart you get a tax break. Even though the State can really use the money and you'll never notice that extra dollar over the year. But "there's no gimmicks." Here is another piece of wonderment, brought back to us from the "old Jock" era: The $63million additional monies for education will come from the $500million in savings from the pension fund!! What? If that is not a gimmick, then as we have seen in the past, it is a flat out lie. But does king Paul stand before us and tell us the truth? The painful truth, or the sacrifical truth. No, give them a speech about more reform, try to fool the people. How about we include the people. Tell us who is going to suffer, while you give us a tax cut. You really have the old lead balls to try and send this out as a Jobs bill. Seems the economy is turning the corner without your help, with less unemployment claims again this week, and more clean energy jobs and construction coming online. Mortage rates are going up finally. So, I would hurry along your little re-pollution plan before a relative growth in economy happens. People will be less likely to fall for it as "regulation reform" if they have the advantage of a clear clean day and warm summer sun.   
      Today, when we get passed the little preview speech and see the actual numbers it should be very interesting.
And as far as the new snow dumping proposals, some of your friends have come up with a fund raiser for you! We are going to start selling soot gray snow-cones covered in Antifreeze, to support the re-election of King Lepage.
                                     We will talk again later today, be safe and have fun.
                                               God bless us and save us from ourselves,
                                                      Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A People Without Place; The Waste of a State and a Nation

    Let there be no doubt, when Americans are pushed they can become innovative and motivated. At the same time Americans when pushed can be masters of destruction, waste and hate. I sense that in fear, with great haste we are moving away from the innovative creative source of America and toward a wasted useless past. When hate and division spring eternal, all hope is lost. Many of our leaders today have only their pet-like private agenda, there is never a truth or a greater good. Just a selfishness that is rotten and wanting of place. How can a bunch of middle aged men stand in front of a country and justify talking about women's rights and abortions. The bastards will never need one, unless of course they get their young mistress pregnant, then I'm sure ever so discretely it's off to some other country and done. This business is that of the women of a nation. It never was and never is to be ours.   To waste Our nations time ripping at our own, working on wasteful legislation and propagandizing the entire time is a crime against this Nation. The lies pile up, as does the true work of this great country. Ignorance is no excuse and the people of this nation are not for the government's personal use.
       I was talking with a fine Republican today, and he acted as if we should not have to worry about the Chinese Communist ripping off our technology, that in fact if they would just play fair, and make our products we would be okay. Well, I am not really one who spouts off for protectionist measures but for the life of me I can not understand what we don't get about Communism. China, unlike the Russians when they were the USSR,  are in the free market, without being free. Their rules are theirs and we play by an entirely different set.  If you think for one minute that American corporations doing business in China are doing America a service, you may as well go join the communist party. Their intent is to bury you under a land fill of your own greed and debt. All the while keeping their people working and fed, thus calm and under control. Their melt down will never come with American Business there to feed them all our technology and all our money and jobs. Russia did not get American business to save its Communist Structure, so it fell apart. It was never a matter of tearing down a wall. It is not giving them any business, not upgrading their equipment. Keeping them out of the technological divide did Russian Communism in.
        The truth today is that an ever increasing drive for more profit has put the very Idea of a free country, with liberty and justice for all in danger. Why should you have a share in my profit? As you are my tool, so I shall keep you until, our very government is reduced to a mere board of directors waiting for the final fall of the Stock market. The consumption of corporate goods does not make a government. Having Our government in sexual relationships with corporate America does not breed a just, fair, equitable or caring people. On the contrary it breeds the worst of a destructive democracy. This build up is the end all, with the loss of Our government its main end.  We could go on and on with analysis, but it will come out the same. If we continue to remove the individual from our state and place our trust in an ever growing corporate government, we are lost and powerless.
            So, when your government tells you "it is going to deregulate" it is going to "cut programs" it is going to "attract business," look out. This is when you must assert yourselves the most. Let it be known under no circumstances are you ready to surrender: your rights, your government, and your Country, to some outside entity on blind faith that they will not treat you as they always have- a profit preventative unit of labor.
                                             Good luck and God's speed to the right
                                                      Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page


Friday, February 4, 2011

Stealing the DEP and The New Republic Agenda

         In less then 30 days I have all but lost my sense of Humor and my ability to sit back and see objectively. The more research I do the worse this looks. Our new administration states it wants to cut government waste and spending. Yet, first mission, form a tour group and pretend to listen to the people,spending Our money as they go! One press statement and an electronic survey could have gotten The Lepage RED Tape Crew all the same Information at less cost. Every time I type the word RED, I think of big business and RED China, I can't help it. My brain is stuck on the "Red agenda," which looking at the bills for this session is not a joke.
     After the too controversial appointment of Darryl Brown to head of the DEP one can take a look at the Republican idea of saving the people money in a bill to remove regular employees from the department and Appoint 13 of what could only be called the Governor's Pets. Please take a look at this: Taking the DEP or the new Department of Economic Protection 
Really, this saves money and cuts government? Not a chance. It is more of the power grab that we are about to witness. After looking over the many bills before our legislature I am convinced the people's work must be More political power for the politicos. For these people who have taken a Constitutional oath of office are more than ready to get out their pocket knives and start whittling away at all of it. In the name of saving you money these misguided individuals have come up with a plan to steal your representation, Not just once but on multiple fronts and in many ways. Check out this "crafty" amendment to Your State Constitution: The taking of Our representatives 
 Now just in case you're not happy with 131 Reps. in a State that grew 4.2% last year, you could settle for one with even bigger cuts to your representation leaving,  Maybe 101 Representatives? 
I like the Constitution of Maine, it is Ours, and by design for the people of Maine. I can't help but wonder if Lance Harvell, Richard Cebra and the rest of this rat pack did not take a back door oath that said, " and to change the Constitution of Maine where we see fit." For as we look at this next bill we see the true extent of "the people unworked".  Terms & Term Limits
I do not believe for one second that the people of Maine in any community have asked that Our Representatives seek 4 year terms for themselves, or that we think they should double their time in office. The truth is they want power and money, indeed they want your Government for their agenda. Further proof of that is this sleazy little bill here:  A measure to unleash the Tea Party? 
How blind can we be? There is no attempt in any of these bills at "the people's work." Our government is moving to make us hostage to a foreign agenda, one that says, " A government of the Republic, for the New Republican, exclusive of the people, in the interest of Business, for our sakes so help us God."
 These bills and many more will be thrown at us as cost saving measures to be sure. How, one should ask, "does it save me to surrender My State, My Constitution, and My Rights to a big business agenda with no people in sight?" I have never been enrolled in a party system. Always thinking that a better candidate could be found, should be found and would be put in office by the majority when proven of worth and right. Many times there are simply no candidates to choose from, or they will not stand. Yet, still outside of party politics there is a certain center, a place where the lesser evil, the truer course for a State to take, in the interests of all the People, often appears. So when a bill like this next one comes rolling along what am I to think? Unenrolled disqualified from clean election funds if you have no primary?
 Independents are frowned upon by the established order, I understand that. We are overlooked, excluded, and cast out as if a leprosy on the body politic. More often than not Independent candidates find money outside of the current system anyway. Though one would think with the Majority of Maine being unenrolled we would deserve an equal say in our State's thoughts and actions.
There is hope yet that the citizens of Maine will once again rise to the occasion, with heads held high and demand that the State Government remain "a Government of the people, by the people, and for the people." That the people's work at some point will begin in earnest. That our present Politicos will pull their respective heads out of their respective arses and get to the real work:  Streamline all of the extra management in Our offices. Cut off the unnecessary tours of political puppets. Cut internal administrators and Human Resource people sitting around discussing with employees how their benefits work. Cut, Cut, Cut. Pay, Pay, Pay, get to work today. Cut all of your Benefits. I really do not care to spend $32.00 a day on your food. I bring my lunch to work as should you. It is healthier and the responsible thing to do. Also, every law, every discussion of a law, every meeting is Our money. Foolish whoopie pie laws are a waste; to your waist, heart, mind and pocket. I should think you could all go home and save us all the money, pass no laws. Leave the accounting department open to collect receivables and send out the pay ables.                                                                                                                                                         Good luck, God bless, Keep thinking,
                                                            Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page 

Monday, January 31, 2011

Reform of red tape, an Audit of Idiocy. In who's Interest?

     King Lepage  "mecuttum" the red tape has spent the last 25 days making disparaging remarks, inappropriate e-mails and poor choices for the State Of Maine. While Barons are spending money traveling around to talk to about 1000 businesses. Now, I believe and I 'm sure you do as well that all of these business people have computers, phones and Internet connections. How much money could be saved if a survey is sent out? Ask the questions, get a response, analyze it and like magic instant "idears." But no, the King needs to make a spectacle of the State and himself, to pretend this attack on his subjects is justified and warranted, it is not. No amount of red tape cutting is going to increase job growth in this State. This is an end-of-the-line State. Things come in, they go out, but are not stored, nor mass produced. Look at his majesty's airport, is it a hub? No. Why? Come on just ask yourself why. The population of the kingdom is small and in the northeast corner of The Country, it is bordered by one state, another country and the Atlantic Ocean. The Northern border has been neglected for so long that Canada takes the Kings logs to Canada, and Our jobs to Canada. The kingdom has woods, water, fish, fisherman and loggers. In the kingdom there are still  some farmers and wood product manufacturers. There are Insurance companies, Hospitals and Banks, a few Shipping companies, bringing in chemicals and taking out Parcels. There are many small businesses  as well. How many of these people brought up BPA? How in the name of all things unholy does BPA really slow, stop or hinder Business in Maine?            It doesn't!

Press release from the Environmental Health Strategy Center: LePage Favors Toxic Policies

by MPBN Capitol Connection on Wednesday, January 26, 2011 at 8:12am
PRESS STATEMENT Contact:                                      
Will Childs (207) 951-7478;
JANUARY 26, 2011

Gov. LePage Advances Chemical Industry Attack on Children’s Health

 Public Health Response:
 BPA (also known as bisphenol A) is a hormone-disrupting chemical widely used in plastics for baby bottles and sippy cups and in the linings of infant formula cans and baby food jar lids.  Last year, the Maine Board of Environmental Protection declared BPA the first of two priority chemicals required by law to be listed by January 1, 2011.  More than 200 independent peer-reviewed scientific studies link widespread BPA exposure in babies to increased risk of brain damage, reproductive harm, breast and prostate cancer and obesity.  Nine states, Canada and other countries, and major product makers have taken action to prevent children’s exposure to BPA.  There are no federal EPA or FDA standards because the governing U.S. law, the so-called Toxic Substances Control Act, has not been updated in 35 years.

The Maine BPA rule that the Governor and chemical manufacturers want to repeal does three things: (1) requires safer alternatives to BPA in all reusable food and beverage containers including baby bottles and sippy cups. (This restriction was provisionally adopted and will come before the Legislature for approval soon as a "major substantive rule"), (2) requires an assessment of the availability of safer, cost-effective alternatives to the use of BPA in the infant formula and baby food containers, and (3) requires reporting by manufacturers if BPA is added to child care articles, toys or tableware.
GOV. LEPAGE WANTS TO GUT LAWS ON TOXICS IN EVERYDAY PRODUCTS! The Governor Recommends:  "Review all regulation of consumer products and consider revisions to prohibitions of chemicals and materials in products.  If the state is going to regulate consumer products at all, it should only do so when clearly justified on risk-benefit or cost benefit basis."

Public Health Response:
 The Maine Legislature and past Governors have approved a series of laws to protect public health from dangerous chemicals in consumer products over the last ten years.  Common sense and strong science dictated that we replace mercury thermometers (2001) and arsenic-treated wood (2003) with safer alternatives. Toxic flame-retardants in couches (2004) and computers (2007) were phased out in favor of other materials that provide equal fire safety.  Maine ended the use of lead in toys (2008).  Following unanimous recommendations of the Governor’s Task Force on Safer Chemicals in Consumer Products that met for 18 months, the Maine Legislature passed the Kid Safe Products Act in 2008.  The work of internationally acclaimed Maine scientists and many others supported these policies.
After a few short weeks in office Governor LePage wants to reverse the course of history ignoring science in favor of poisonous political pandering to out of state chemical industries. Rather than requiring the chemical industry to demonstrate the safety of its products he suggests placing onerous handcuffs on government action to protect Maine people.  These same constraints were proposed by the chemical industry and rejected in a bipartisan consensus by the Legislature in 2008.


Public Health Response:
 Why should Maine race to the bottom to compete with Mississippi and others for the weakest minimally required federal standards?  Federal requirements establish the floor, not the ceiling, for environmental health protections for clean air and safe drinking water.
    For toxic chemicals in consumer products, there are virtually no federal standards.  That’s because under the badly broken federal Toxic Substances Control Act, only some uses of 5 dangerous chemicals have been restricted in 35 years.  Yet 62,000 chemicals were grandfathered in without any restrictions when TSCA passed in 1976.  Conforming Maine standards for toxics in products to the federal requirements means no protections at all from most dangerous chemicals!

Ignores Science and Common-Sense Protections from Toxic Chemicals

This week Governor Paul LePage called for an end to dozens of protections for the health of Maine people and our air, water and land.  Three of his thirty-six proposed rollbacks take direct aim at Maine’s law to protect children's health from unnecessary dangerous chemicals in everyday products.

We’re appalled that Governor LePage would take the extreme position that children's health should be sacrificed in order to satisfy out-of-state chemical companies desire to avoid regulation.

Maine’s Kid Safe Products Act was adopted in 2008 with overwhelming bipartisan support, passing in the Senate by a vote of 35-0 and in the House by 129-9, despite relentless opposition from the national chemical industry.  This is because everyone in Maine wins when we prevent disease, encourage business innovation, and reduce health care costs by replacing the most dangerous chemicals in everyday products with safer alternatives.

Not one single Maine business testified in opposition to the proposed law in 2008 or to the designation of two priority chemicals under the law in 2010!

The three proposals that would roll back the Kid Safe Products Act are included in Phase I of the Governor’s Regulatory Reform Proposals that target the Department of Environmental Protection.  Our response to his recommendations follows below.


The Governor Recommends:  "Repeal BPA rule and rely on federal EPA and FDA standards."

For Immediate Release:          
                            And here we have the latest Factoid for the Kingdom of IF:
By Susan Sharon MPBN Deputy News Director    Gov. Paul LePage this weekend defended his proposed list of more than 60 environmental rules and regulations he'd like to see rolled back. T...

How much does it matter to the King that we have serious problems with our debt? Seemingly not at all. He would rather pander to the not so special interests of Business. Because as he said in his inaugural address, "profit is good"... And somewhere you can bet he is the one to profit from all this waste, deceit and anger, he has rained down upon the Kingdom.
                                       Well, Big business does not want to change, Which means it will not be moving here too soon. Politics does not want to change, it just wants its money for nothing and the Cronies to be pleased.              
                        So that just leaves us, the peasants, reading up on the Bastille. Be good,  God bless.
                                                                       Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Looking effective, does not look good. The Master Plan?

    So before the people' s work has even begun, we get Dan Demeritt, with his Master plan. The details do betray the devil.  First order of business: find a way to control the business so we remain in Power. Huh, that could have been done by doing good work. Work of the people. But you would rather think and act like a common Thug. Really folks it is after all not about you or me, or even the quality and effectiveness of Our Government; No, it is about gaining power, getting paid and running over US.
     Second order of business: "We are going to spend a lot of time making Heather Sirocki and Garret Mason look effective."  It is our time and money they will spend. Rather than be effective, they only wish to achieve the appearance of being effective. SO, rather than work for the people in a conscious way, in a constitutional way, This body politic will, deceive, deny, lie and scheme. Perfect. At least you know what your up against. Never in my life here in Maine have I seen such an Influx of ignorance to the State. Indeed a maelstrom of immorality is being unleashed. As I write this we have had Paul Lepage as a Governor for 24 days. In that amount of time He has Surrendered Maine to the Nation as a backward, stupid, hate filled, ignorant Monarchy. Where the people will submit to his "idears" on business. He can not even say Ideas.  
        In the beginning, we were going to see a lot of  King Paul telling Obama to go to hell, in reference to regulations (to the fishermen of Maine). Now in a complete reversal, Lepage is moving toward and for almost every Federal regulation he can find. His true motives are to weaken Our State's stand on the environment. As for the fisherman, well I'm sure you will still be stuck with whatever the Fed says about your catch limits, and fishing days. Too bad, as Maine fisherman are the best and brightest example of self regulation. Knowing their limited resource and loving their work has allowed a lot of forward thinking in Maine fisheries and I, for one, hope that can continue. Though as we look at some of the re-pollution plans of the Lepage administration I believe we will have further closures and more federal oversight on our Fishery to keep up with waste water runoff and toxins that will flow to all. 
    Now as a State we are about to witness the repositioning of the government working for the people to "The government working only with/for business." Heads of Hospitals will roll. Service agencies that help the people with government help, will close. Non-profits compete with real business, so buckle up and Find some private funding, for your tap will be frozen shut. Though if you can persuade the State that you are a Republican and fully represent the Republican party you may be able to keep your bureaucracy intact (though do not put it in an e-mail).  Friends, I have never enrolled in any party, finding always gross negligence from the mixed results often delivered up to us by our "elected" officials. I have never truly been represented by either party. The lack of forward planning for the People has always amazed me. They habitually steal from tomorrow for today. We as a people do it to Ourselves as well with the foolishness of Bonds. But just for the record, since I have been able to vote of Governor I have voted thus: Mckernan, King, Baldacci, Cutler.
                                                 Be well, good luck and Gods speed to the truth.
                                                                          Ms. Paula Page

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Maine Moves to Civil Disobedience

     Our Government, here in Maine, and elsewhere, is the expected and accepted method for the expression of the People's will. Here in Maine, the people's will is being swiftly removed and utterly ignored. As a minority Party, and a minor Tyrant has decided to wage a war upon our very principles and Our State, it is up to the people of Maine to ensure equally swift and thoroughly expressed war for our State and the protection of the principles we hold dear as a State of like minded citizens.
  We cannot afford to wait till the damage is complete. The proof is already that this behavior will not end. I urge all people available to attend all open meetings in civil protest. Where Our new government meets, be there; share your undivided opinion of this reckless and unjustifiable course. Do not stand still and take this new order as the end all; We are the end all of Our State, Our Government. For we are the people, who are the business of Our Government.
           We should ask ourselves; what source of authority in Our State Constitution has King Paul Lepage found to declare war on our environment? What divine right has he endowed himself with that he can surrender Our State to his corporate minions? I can find none. We must move into our House chambers, our Senate chambers, indeed our Town Halls and Shopping Malls with A vocal defiance that cannot be ignored. The truth shall not go unheard. We have everything to lose. These "business" men having nothing, but control of our state to gain. This is a link to the sessions and workshops in the 125th Legislature. Here you can search by bill and sponsors up to 14 days in advance of what is going on where. This link shows the room numbers and whether it is a public hearing or workshop or closed.
      I would also direct you all to any public hearing that may appear in Our newspapers, or social networks. The red tape reform hearings are the ideal forum for us to make ourselves heard.  Be civil, but be heard. This is Our State and we should not move backward on our quality of place, our respect for one another and our belief in the importance of all the people in Maine.
Paying the bills of the State of Maine does not mean surrendering our rights.
Running state government does not entitle the Governor to do what he pleases.
Maine was polluted long ago by the same businesses with less people and poverty was still here. King Paul's ideas are ill conceived and morally deplorable. Stand up, Standout, Be heard.
               This is a call to action, please share it, modify it, add to it, spread the word
                                                                             Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Lepage Business Model; Bill, Mary and Paul

   "If we just fix it they will come". Then we will allow Business to run our state, with their "equal voice" and added ability to out spend the citizens. "We can create a new Maine". One where people work and use government welfare. For Lepage's strategy has been to pay the majority of his employees as low as he can, thusly forcing them to use Mainecare, and Liheap (subsidized oil program), as well as regular welfare. You will see more jobs and an increase in the use of subsidy to make Maine work under King Paul's plan. Which is also the truth behind his "tiered Welfare plan"; "get 'em working for cheap and give 'em a subsidy'. "Pacify the asses".
     Meanwhile we have a new head of DHHS, the Department of Health and Human Services, Mrs. Mary Mayhew. Mrs. Mary has been billed as a Democrat, really, and a woman, amazing. She has already climbed the Lepage ranks from assisting with the interim budget, to being Paul's senior adviser on Health and Conservation, and now The head of the largest government service agency in the State of Maine. Here is the hook, Mary Mayhew is a lobbyist for Hospitals; she is/was the principle lobbyist for The Maine Hospital Association. She was also The vice president on government affairs for this company. She has stated that she believes Doctors and Hospitals should be able to litigate wrongful procedure. That is to say, If a doctor leaves a tool in you or cuts off the wrong appendage, and you think you should not have to pay for this unnecessary procedure, they should be able to prove that you should pay for their mistake. Looking at this makes me think 'pro-business', we can get our money one way or the other because medical insurance will not cover the lawyers. Wrongful procedure in a hospital is pretty cut and dry, indeed it is wrong or right. None-the-less, onward and upward with the best and brightest.
    Next, after fifteen years of good hard work bringing workers compensation for our state into a controllable, reasonable, functional place, Paul Dionne is stepping aside. He will be replaced with Mr. Paul Sighinolfi, An attorney who has made a practice of defending businesses from claims on workers compensation. Seems like another lobbyist to me. "Power to the Business," please try not to walk all over ME. Though if this man wishes to, he could be an asset to the people of Maine. Is this why he has been appointed? Probably not, but onward and upward with the best and brightest we can find.
   Our Chief financial officer has been in the hospital due to a chronic knee condition. Sawin Millet, is now being aided by Mr. Lowe, John Baldacci's financial guru. Sorry, Mr Millet about your condition, I hope you are well soon... but it is a chronic condition.     
  Anyone remember Mr. Bill Beardsley? Mr. Bill is to be our Head of the Department of Conservation. He ran against Pauly boy in the Republican primary. Yes, it is obvious he lost, but losers are regularly the best and brightest, in the pool of the limited and mindless. I hope the word Conservation means the same to Mr. Beardsley as it does to the rest of us. To conserve one must be careful, deliberate, and serving. Not conning the people you serve. Though in the new business model it probably means let the Cons out they are costing us too much money.
  Another quick side note, those of you who smoke and are on Mainecare may be denied benefits. To the rest of you on Mainecare surveys will be in the mail soon. We would like to know if you eat too much, take too much salt, go without sleep, take more than 2 aspirin a week, ect. For these are some of the other dis-qualifiers we will be looking at. Pre-existing conditions be damned, We are not paying for that!
  Now as for me, I read some where that a professor brewed a beer with 45 million year old yeast, I am going to find some of that. Talk to you soon, be well, keep thinking.
                                                                   Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Did Barack Obama just hand our keys to China?

  Stating that the U.S. considers China, a friend and vital economic partner, President Obama discounts the American people's stand against human rights abuses. China is a friend to Corporate America. The people who only want profit from cheap toxic goods and care not if the entire United States is owned out right by Communist China, that is as long as they still have consumers willing to by their cheap crap. The American People worked to clean up after the Industrial Revolution made it quite clear our health, physically and environmentally, could not be sustained with such practices. The American Corporations just moved out, to continue exploitation on which ever nation would allow it; China did. Now China and those Pseudo-corps pretending to still be American have all the money. You and I?- A busted government ready to borrow more money from China if need be. Well I think they have enough of Our money.  It is time to cut our programs, cut our government, pay our bills and cut off the AmerChi-corps. These companies are not friends of America, they still exploit our infrastructure, and still seek our protection. They seek tax breaks on money that never manifests in Our country. They whine and win at your expense for they have the lawyers, guns and money.
                                        I hope China will protect them now.
   The New World Order is upon us, like it or not. Holding our Government responsible is only a blame game; they should not have played the game. Believing that American Corporations were American and thus loyal and entitled to citizens' rights was ludicrous. In a world where Capitalism is King, whomever has the capital is the king. Corporate America took all of America's capital and gave it to the world, to sell you the cheap and tawdry. If the people who have the wealth of this Nation don't mind my saying so, I think you should probably move to China now, before the Communist Government gives away the good spots to someone less deserving.
   What ever Will of the people is left in Washington, should be mustered as a militia to work together and save this great Country from the abyss we are so ready to jump into. Stop your infighting, stop your waste, Wake up to the truth or you have failed - the good, the right, God and Country. Your failure is the failure of the Nation, indivisible.  "In renminbi we trust" ?
                                                                  Not me, but what is left to trust anyway?
                                                                            Ms. Paula Page

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fear and The Art of Dodging Issues

   Many of you have expressed your fear that we have a Governor with an IQ lower than that of G.w., It may be worse than you think. Ignorance has no intelligence. Politicians 'use' the Media with deliberate outcomes. The fall out from this last bulwark has taken Our State far off the point of State. We can if we choose to, get all caught up in the Lepage character flaws, or we can pay attention to the details of Our State. In turning our heads to look at the words, we might just miss the fact the entire landscape has been changed, and without our approval. We are being distracted from the issues our state faces while a silent takeover of our State continues. Please, hold your local press accountable for true reports on local politics. One of this Governor's first moves was to stop Us from getting information about Our State. I could care less about Paul Lepage's personality short comings, they are many, and he is base. I care that we need good leadership in Maine, as these are times that require truth and action, a Shipload of hope and a state of mindful vigilance. We do need to pay our bills as a state. We do, like the rest of the country, need more jobs that pay a livable, taxable wage in this State. At the same time we need Our Government intact and fully functioning. I would suggest that all our Appointments be made and all our departments get to work. 

   We do not need to surrender our constitution to the same people who say they will defend and uphold it. Gutting the Constitution of Maine does not and will not create one job for the people. It will not and does not represent the people of Maine. Long has the fight been waged to find ourselves with a representative body politic. You have no right, or reason, to remove any part of Our voice from the State Of Maine. According to our latest census figures Maine grew 4.2%.  That means there are more people in our state to represent. If you successfully change Our State Constitution and limit the representatives in Our Legislature and our state continues to grow the people lose. (HP33) (LD40) and (HP83) (LD97) should never see the house floor. Please research these two proposals, and call Your State Representatives, while you still can. Let them know you value your voice in the state as well as their voice on Our behalf. Another odd proposal in Our State is (HP49) (LD56); this would allow waterfront property owners to fish without a fishing license. I think this could really take away much needed revenue from the State. Not to mention that this group of people has the best access to the water, and the fact that the State stocks these same waters. Mr. Governor shall we cater to the special interests of these few people?

    While Maine has not been an economic powerhouse since the first wave of Fisheries and Forest exploitation, we have always been creative and contributory to our people, and our Nation. We should not want, nor should we seek to ever be the industrial complex of the Ohio River valley. We should not seek to be as large a port city as New york, or Massachusetts. We should seek to keep our identity as a friendly, clean, caring State. A place where you would love to vacation and raise your children. Our slow and measured growth is quite maintainable and acceptable to me. What is the rush to judgment that suddenly we are a jobless State? Compared to the rest of the country Maine has held up fairly well. Most of Our Government's cash flow problems stem from the ridiculous bonds that are passed no matter how many times I vote against them. Responsible legislation would be not to tempt the people with that they cannot afford. People cannot resist temptation, good leaders know this. No more bonds on the ballot until there is real money somewhere. I would be all for repealing many of these dumb wastes of Money. Hey Maine did we really want to finance Dentists? They are after all a private business, and they do well for themselves. The last time I looked everyone was being born with the ability to grow teeth. Where there is need there will be Dentists without Our State's money.
     This National Recovery has been and will be a slow process. Gross, knee-jerk reactions can only exacerbate the problems of Our State. The same forces that robbed America are the 'Business' forces being applied in Our State Government. I agree that our bills as a State must be Paid, and we are in a real mess. But I also believe that the Governor's job is only to figure out how to pay for the government The people of Maine want, not the Government he would like.
                        Have a great day, keep thinking, all the best, Ms. Paula Page

Monday, January 17, 2011

Politics before People, Profits before People or People before Politics?

Paul Lepage will keep the press busy, that is a sure bet, though spreading hate may slow down Maine's Tourist economy. Tourists can be considered a special interest group. All non-profits, organizations and groups of people are special interests, just so you know, Mr. Governor. Our collective Government is a special interest as well and we the People Of Maine are especially interested when someone comes along and starts throwing Our State into civil unrest with narrow, sleazy rhetoric. What could possibly compel you to not care about all of Maine? Maine's Traditions and people matter, more than you seem capable of comprehending. For a long week our entire nation has been in a discussion about civility in leadership and about crass political rancor. Did someone not give you the memo? Please, pull a Palin, end your Governorship now! Perhaps, you could go with Mrs. Palin on tour of Afghanistan, or get a job with Fox News. They appreciate the fairly unbalanced. "Politics before People" that is the true Lepage message.
As to Governor Paul Lepage's mouth full of nothing but hate, He shall throw Our State the necessary rope for the impeachment he already richly deserves. Stay hopeful, keep thinking and be well.
                                                        Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Business As Our State? Business in Our State? What is the Difference?

   First I would like to say, a business is a beautiful thing. A business works to sell. A business works independently, usually, accept when a business violates anti-trust laws. A business works to make a profit. A business often keeps trade secrets and unless forced by Government, it keeps its secrets.
Even non-profits, which are a business, turn profits. Non-profits take the profit and turn it into a service, donation or, as often is the case, payroll. A business is always a profit seeking concern. In business profit has precedence over personal considerations. A business as long as it is compliant with all current laws needs not share a damn bit of information. Of course if it wishes to stay in business long a business will share what relevant information it must about its product, service, ect. What a business will not say is "Our CEO is a drunk" or "We only hire attractive women." It is just not our need to know until someone files a lawsuit or something gets leaked to the press. That is enough on businesses.
   Let's move-on to a State Government, namely, Our State Government. For Governor Paul Lepage to even consider running Our state as a business is UnConstitutional. If the CEO of a company wants all the information vetted that is one thing, but in the State's case, You are the Owner, you are entitled to the truth as fast as it is thought of, not after it can be massaged in to a good looking spin (which is most often a flat out lie). To hog tie Our Representatives is business, not Government. First it was out with the Rules and now it is out with the information. What next - out with the people? Are we just in the way of business? This State of Maine has been set up to be "Of the people, By the people and For the people." But if we continue to accept this direction for Our Government, I must cede that it is a newly established Monarchy. Being born of and in this State of Maine, I will not yield to a king. Include the people in all the information, include the people in all the rules being thrown out and all the rules being made for them. So far all I have seen, is The king's new rules, or writs. "Make no rules" and "pass no information."
       Sorry folks but that is how it feels so far to me. I am still trying hard to hold out. I've been looking for my "benefit of doubt" for a day or two. I know I put it here somewhere. I'll be back to finish this post later. In the mean time, Have a great day, keep thinking, Maine needs you all more now than ever.
                                                                  Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Rules, Edicts, Bills, Is Maine on the move?

 A wonderful new executive order has been handed down. A Rule on Rules. You have to take a look at it: Six months without new rules, until the rules are reviewed. No rule shall make it to the public for review or comment, until it has been to the Governor's office and the said "rule has cleared the rule for publication." We may not see any rules for a long time and as far as public comment or review, I think it is safe to say there will be none. The Red Tape removal audit has already found around 200 rules that need to be removed according to Governor Paul Lepage. Lepage also stated that special interests had been making some of our rules. What? Who let them write the Laws? Did they sneak in at night? Is this going to end up being a Rulegate break in?  And if, as has been stated, our state workers have been making their own rules, they should be fired. But I cannot believe this is the case.  It's hard to say where all this is going, but it has been a long time since we looked at all the rules of every part of Our State Government. I just hope that when we finish with the shedding of rules, we still have the People's Laws in place to protect us. What I am getting at is the fine line between rules and laws in government, they are almost the same.
  Speaking of rules and laws, a new bill is being put before the Legislature.The sponsor of the bill is (R) Rep. Lance Evan Harvell, of Farmington. This bill is designed to reduce the size of the State House of Representatives. The bill (hp33) LD40 , an Amendment to the State Constitution, is a Republican sponsored bill designed to remove 20% of OUR representatives and put the politics and power further away from the people. This move might be sold to you as something that would save us money, so look out. It is a plain old power grab, and it is your power they want to take. The Idea is simple: remove Representatives, redistrict, add 1250 people or more to each new district, and you can see the republican eyes rolling back like an alligator at feeding time here, then you have expansively, consolidated your base to control more of the electorate. This is a waste of our money, and a lousy thing to even consider in these trying times. So, Please speak up for OUR state before this bill ever has a chance to pass. When politicians have all the power, we become powerless.
 (Rep. Lance Evan Harvell can be reached at home: 207-778-2981, at cell phone 207-491-8971.)
   Another recent bill being put before Our State is about the practice of Nepotism in the State of Maine. This bill would not make it illegal for the Governor to hire his Family and Friends, but it would force Our officals to prove the canidates are at least qualified for the positions they are appointed to. This bill has been put forward by (D) Cynthia Dill of Cape Elizabeth. She can be reached by phone at : 207-767-7197 or e-mail at: 
From what I read on the Nepotism link above it appears that this problem may go further than the Governor's office. It may just be that staffers' parties and many other functions are being done Family style in Our State, that is employees hiring their wives, husbands, friends and family to do work that should be open for all of us to bid upon. We shall see, and soon I hope.
Friends, we are moving as a state, but where is the question. Hang in there, things will start to sort themselves out in a couple of long months. In the meantime, this is Maine, we have snow on the way, go outside and play in it a little. Enjoy. All the best to you. Keep thinking and Please call the people above, let them know you are thinking and not just giving them the free pass that got us here.  
                                             Praying for the Great State of Maine, Ms. Paula Page

Monday, January 10, 2011

Posts and staffers starting to show up for Lepage Administration

    Well people are finally being rounded up to be part of the New Maine. Governor Lepage has chosen  Norman Olsen for the Department of Marine Resources. Some of Norm's bio states he is a former commercial fisherman, a former federal fisheries regulator and, of all things, has experience with foreign diplomacy on counter terrorism to peace in the middle east. This is as good as it could possibly get, a man who not only can fish, regulate the fishing and plan to fight off the pirates at sea, but works for our state government, Incredible. Next we have Philip Congdon. He has accepted the post to The Department of Economic and Community Development. Phil is an engineer with many U.S. patents to his credit. He has worked for Texas Instruments (93-98) and was the V.P. of Optical Switch of Dallas from 2001-02. Phil, it is stated, also has a background in research and development in business. Perhaps, Mr. Philip Congdon can patent a new way to develop Maine's economy, with it's community in mind; because the guy at our next post is going to need that Patent quick. For our next Post we have Mr. Darryl Brown. Anyone remember this guy from the legislature? No. No one. Neither does he. He never mentions it anywhere on his resume. He was in the state legislature from 1979-1986. You should really take a look at his voting record, especially on the environment. Wow. Let's hear it for nuclear waste. Anyone care to interject? Democrats of the state? Greens? Oh, that's right they are a myth. Independents? None of you are going to speak up and say "Hey, wait a minute this guy did not seem to mind nuclear waste in Maine." Or, "This is the guy that's was mad because he was not allowed to blow up mountains to build houses on the steep slopes." Nobody. Huh? Must be short term memory pills in the water. One thing for sure about this appointment - The Department of Environmental Protection has been remade in one swift movement, it should now be called the Department of Economic Protection. This has to be a knife to the nuts (or equal female part) of environmentalists. Well, more work for them, part of the Master Plan. See, as environmentalists get mad, they get to work. Even if there is no money in it, at least it's work. Master Plan - create jobs, even if they do not pay. We will all get busy, or bitter. The other conflict with Darryl Brown is the fact that his business has been hired by Black Bear Entertainment to do the site development for the new casino in Oxford. It has been stated that Mr. Brown will recuse himself from his business while he serves, and has a lawyer working on the paperwork. Well, it is still his business, president of it or not. This just does not look good, or does it?
The Governor has also appointed two staffers. Mary Mayhew has been selected to be the senior adviser on health policy and conservation (does not sound like the two go together but that's what my notes say). And though we have no Head of Education, the senior policy adviser on Education will be Steve Bowen from the Maine Heritage Policy Center and he is also another former legislator. Our Best and Brightest list must be short and shallow with all this recycling of same-old-people going on. Anyone know someone qualified to work for the State of Maine that has not already done so? I don't believe Maine has a law to stop these people from the double dip pensions that happen everywhere else. But that is a blog of a whole different color. For Today rejoice my friends, our department heads are arriving. Soon Maine will be open for Business under the big beautiful Lepage Umbrella.
            God bless you. Please keep thinking. All your thoughts count, and only you can have yours.
                                                 Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page

Friday, January 7, 2011

Maine Isn't "Sanctuary State", Lepage stops Don't ask Don't Tell

    What a first Day in office. Ewaste of Auburn fined by EPA $27,500 for taking apart computers; those Dam regulations.  Fairchild Semiconductor laying off 120 workers to improve productivity, and lower costs; less with more, for profit? That dam profit. Looking at the "Constitution of Maine," I cannot find the word profit once, but I'll keep trying. I digress, let's get back to the day. Contaminated seafood plants in Portland and South Portland, closed due to contamination by the FDA; again dam those regulations. Then we have the people of Gardiner stopping the town from allowing a local candle company to create 100 jobs in their town. Dam those people. Candles don't smell that bad. Compare it to chicken crap someday. On a higher note against the protests of about 30 people, LURC approved Trans Canada's wind development plan to expand on Kibby mountain. Funny thing though LURC Commissioner Edward Laverty stated that the State laws forced him to approve the plan. Dam those reverse regulations, or in the states case, Laws. Another, supposedly positive note Charles Colgan of the University of Southern Maine's Muskie Institute of Public Service, forecasts a whopping 1% growth in maine jobs this year. That ought to relieve some of the pressure on the department of Human Services.
       Our New Governors first executive edict has been made. Here I must say he has stimulated the work of more than a few, namely DHHS, and all the nonprofits concerned with human rights and poverty, which are just to numerous to list here.  King Paul's first writ removed Lord Baldacci's "don't ask if they are illegals" order. Which Lord Baldacci put into place so the State would not be violating the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, and this argument has been upheld in the United States Supreme Court. So, by King Pauls first act we are as a State in violation of Our Constitution. Dam regulations. Perhaps business has found a way around the Constitution, or maybe it never applied to business in the first place, we shall see.
     The top officers in the State of Maine, were sworn in yesterday as well. In a quasi election, for you and I do not take part in it and really have no say, the Republican majority elected: Charles Summers from Illinois to be Secretary of State, Bruce Poliquin former Wall St. Investment Manager is Treasurer and Our new Attorney General is Bill Schneider. Bill, that is Attorney General Bill, has already promised to waste State money joining the fight to remove the Health Care bill that was passed last year. Even though this battle is being fought by other states, and is going to be resolved by the Supreme Court, on its Constitutional grounds, with or with out US. So much for savings. I need another positive note. Oh, Poland High School, thanks to a Federal Recovery and Reinvestment Act and The Maine Forest Service who received $11.4 million, started installing a wood to energy boiler to heat the school. The grant was $636,372 not chump change. This heating system was badly needed as the main furnace had already failed. The use of this new furnace should help local wood product companies directly, though Poland has not signed a contract yet with any supplier for their fuel needs.
    Well as you can see a very busy first day. Even though its just the end of the first week in January,  things are really getting warm here in Maine.
                                                  Have a great day, all the best, Ms. Paula Page


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Congratulations Maine, Welcome Governor Paul Richard (not Dick) Lepage

   The Coronation is complete, the paper has been signed. Our Legislature has had a single simultaneous movement in Augusta today. Perhaps, the last one for four years, we will see. All the  players were there. Former governors: Brennan, Mckernan, King and Baldacci stood side saddle, looking speculative at best. None-the-less, I am sure they support the new Governor of Maine, Paul Richard (not Dick) Lepage.
    The new Governor stuck to many of the same talking points of his election. His being a businessman first and foremost.The bloated state of Augusta, how our taxpayers pay for it. His "Red Tape Removal" audit to simplify business in the state. Governor Paul Richard Lepage also said he is "for strong protections for Maine and its people and regulations for business" but they should not make doing business hard, or rather the regulations should cooperate with business. He mentioned we need to find savings for business in utilities costs, licensing and basic cost overheads. Of course no other Governor has tried this. Lepage wants to deliver a competitive advantage to business so it will come to Maine. Easier said than done. Many have tried, we have all but given the state to companies tax free, still no deal. In almost one breath Lepage said I'm bringing back Mckernan's Town Hall meetings. Then "I'm not going backwards."
    On the education front the new Governor stated, "Standards must be higher, administrations leaner."
Our available resources must be "spent in the classroom, on the student." To that I say, "Hurray." But wait and see, I will. Paul also stated that you will hear him keep pushing for his 5 year school program.  High school graduates would receive an associates degree upon completion of their 5 years. Where we would find the money? I guess, we'll see. The Governor seems all for monthly meetings and said, "we will sit down with teachers around the state once a month, oatmeal and solutions will be on the agenda." Again, we'll see. Gas prices are pretty high right now. Paying for extra travel will be tough.
      I did like the 'Labels will not get in the way' speak, sounded like it was right off my pages. Republican, Democrat, Green, Independent, it will not matter; Good Policy is public policy for everyone said Paul. Oh, and I really liked the Profit bit, "Profit is not a problem." It's what grows the private sector he said. I do not remember anyone saying profit was a problem. Though on one of my recent pages this very subject was presented to you in this same way: What I said is, "The problem is that jobs are a byproduct of profit." Jobs are only created to keep up with demand and create more profit. If more can be done by fewer, or for less money, there will be no jobs created. It has always been thus and thus it shall be.
     There really is so much more from the speech we could address, and I should go over my notes again. But for now let's just look at the fact that not once was paying for anything mentioned. We are in very, very desperate times. To change any of the status quo involves money and unless our State can come up with some private corporate funding we are fe fi fo fu*k~#. Or, Maybe, and if I was a State worker I would prepare for this one, voluntary pay cuts. Then of course will come the furlough days, the broken contracts, the closing of the state and the desperate plea for federal help. Oh, crap I'm not a prophet, forgot myself. Anyway, we better hold on, it will be very bumpy. For today say "Congratulations Governor Lepage, I wish you the best of luck." We are all in this together, and believe me we're pulling for you. 
                            Have A Great Day, and if not tomorrow is another chance,
                                                                    All the best, Ms. Paula Page

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

So Far, So funny, So What's Next?

     Tomorrow, my, friends is the Coronation of King Paul and I hope you all will be attending. As to the Party, it's not a Ball. If you have not received your invite by now you are probably out of luck. Apparently no dancing is planned and, if any occurs, we are to believe it to be spontaneous. Seems to me they really tried hard to push this as a dull affair. It was also mentioned that there would be a cash bar, meaning you and I will believe the money for drinks came out of invitees' pockets. The Coronation will be aired on Maine Public Television, for those who would like to watch. I suggest keeping an eye open for the "red grin," you will know it when you see it. The Party will be potluck with Linda Bean supplying all the lobster, though it was called a donation. Not sure if that means deductible or not. I really do believe that the first official State party should be an open public event, after all it is our State. And Mainers know how to really throw a potluck dinner. The Last Person too have the party open to the public was Lord Angus King. He has gone to chase the wind. Do you think Lord Angus got an invitation after his last minute endorsement of Eliot Cutler? Probably, for politics it is said; "Makes strange bed fellows".
    Where are we so far? Well we have Sawin Millet, Lord John (Joc) Mckernans' financial wizard, back in at the same post for King Paul. Not to worry though, Sawin is older and wiser now and we don't have a $45,000,000 surplus to burn away.  King Paul had said he would have his entire cabinet in place by Coronation day but, only four of the sixteen appointees are in place, his daughter is not included in that number. It seems all of the Out-of-Staters King Paul has been trying to hire are either to expensive or to busy. Well that sucks. Maybe some of the best and brightest from Maine could be of service to Our State? Then again only about 38% would qualify and they are probably busy too, lobbying our newly Republican State. What a quandary, everywhere unemployment, yet no one to fill high paying positions. What is up with that?
      Our 125th Legislature is up and running. Their first order of business was too remove the Labor committee, or rather combine it with Business. Because labor and Business get along famously. Though for about 100 years we did not notice how well they fit together. The new committee is: The Labor, Commerce, Research and Economic Development Committee. We are going to lose money just typing out the name of that committee. Another quick note, Our State Senate has 35 members, 20 Republicans and 14 Democrats with 1 unenrolled. 22 of these folks are native Mainers, while 13 are from away. Not surprisingly 2 are from Mass., 2 are from New York, and 2 are from New Jersey. There are 7 others each from a different place or state: Alabama, California, Connecticut, Virginia, Vermont, North Dakota, and lastly Ireland. These folks probably ran away from their respective states for "the way life should be". Though now they are working to make "the way life is".
      I will report all of the Stats on the legislature later, as to where WE come from. For now, enjoy your day.  For tomorrow It's Surplus and Salvage, with an MBA. God Bless us.
                                     To you, and yours Good day, Ms. Paula Page