Our Government, here in Maine, and elsewhere, is the expected and accepted method for the expression of the People's will. Here in Maine, the people's will is being swiftly removed and utterly ignored. As a minority Party, and a minor Tyrant has decided to wage a war upon our very principles and Our State, it is up to the people of Maine to ensure equally swift and thoroughly expressed war for our State and the protection of the principles we hold dear as a State of like minded citizens.
We cannot afford to wait till the damage is complete. The proof is already that this behavior will not end. I urge all people available to attend all open meetings in civil protest. Where Our new government meets, be there; share your undivided opinion of this reckless and unjustifiable course. Do not stand still and take this new order as the end all; We are the end all of Our State, Our Government. For we are the people, who are the business of Our Government.
We should ask ourselves; what source of authority in Our State Constitution has King Paul Lepage found to declare war on our environment? What divine right has he endowed himself with that he can surrender Our State to his corporate minions? I can find none. We must move into our House chambers, our Senate chambers, indeed our Town Halls and Shopping Malls with A vocal defiance that cannot be ignored. The truth shall not go unheard. We have everything to lose. These "business" men having nothing, but control of our state to gain. This is a link to the sessions and workshops in the 125th Legislature. Here you can search by bill and sponsors up to 14 days in advance of what is going on where. This link shows the room numbers and whether it is a public hearing or workshop or closed.
I would also direct you all to any public hearing that may appear in Our newspapers, or social networks. The red tape reform hearings are the ideal forum for us to make ourselves heard. Be civil, but be heard. This is Our State and we should not move backward on our quality of place, our respect for one another and our belief in the importance of all the people in Maine.
Paying the bills of the State of Maine does not mean surrendering our rights.
Running state government does not entitle the Governor to do what he pleases.
Maine was polluted long ago by the same businesses with less people and poverty was still here. King Paul's ideas are ill conceived and morally deplorable. Stand up, Standout, Be heard.
This is a call to action, please share it, modify it, add to it, spread the word
Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page
We have spent the past year talking about the failings of Governor LePage, his disregard for the law, the intimidation and abuse of power, encouragement of violent behavior, financial and administrative mismanagement, and a constant flow of misinformation. The time for talk is done. NOW we move into action mode.
ReplyDeletePlease contact your legislators with the following questions.
How long before a supporter of Governor LePage turns his incendiary rhetoric into action?
How long will the legislature allow the Governor to thumb his nose at the rule of law?
When will the legislature stop supporting the Governor’s abuse of power?
Want to learn more of what is behind those questions? Go to the new website of MEFGA, “Mainers for Government Accountability.” www.mefga.org