Friday, January 7, 2011

Maine Isn't "Sanctuary State", Lepage stops Don't ask Don't Tell

    What a first Day in office. Ewaste of Auburn fined by EPA $27,500 for taking apart computers; those Dam regulations.  Fairchild Semiconductor laying off 120 workers to improve productivity, and lower costs; less with more, for profit? That dam profit. Looking at the "Constitution of Maine," I cannot find the word profit once, but I'll keep trying. I digress, let's get back to the day. Contaminated seafood plants in Portland and South Portland, closed due to contamination by the FDA; again dam those regulations. Then we have the people of Gardiner stopping the town from allowing a local candle company to create 100 jobs in their town. Dam those people. Candles don't smell that bad. Compare it to chicken crap someday. On a higher note against the protests of about 30 people, LURC approved Trans Canada's wind development plan to expand on Kibby mountain. Funny thing though LURC Commissioner Edward Laverty stated that the State laws forced him to approve the plan. Dam those reverse regulations, or in the states case, Laws. Another, supposedly positive note Charles Colgan of the University of Southern Maine's Muskie Institute of Public Service, forecasts a whopping 1% growth in maine jobs this year. That ought to relieve some of the pressure on the department of Human Services.
       Our New Governors first executive edict has been made. Here I must say he has stimulated the work of more than a few, namely DHHS, and all the nonprofits concerned with human rights and poverty, which are just to numerous to list here.  King Paul's first writ removed Lord Baldacci's "don't ask if they are illegals" order. Which Lord Baldacci put into place so the State would not be violating the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, and this argument has been upheld in the United States Supreme Court. So, by King Pauls first act we are as a State in violation of Our Constitution. Dam regulations. Perhaps business has found a way around the Constitution, or maybe it never applied to business in the first place, we shall see.
     The top officers in the State of Maine, were sworn in yesterday as well. In a quasi election, for you and I do not take part in it and really have no say, the Republican majority elected: Charles Summers from Illinois to be Secretary of State, Bruce Poliquin former Wall St. Investment Manager is Treasurer and Our new Attorney General is Bill Schneider. Bill, that is Attorney General Bill, has already promised to waste State money joining the fight to remove the Health Care bill that was passed last year. Even though this battle is being fought by other states, and is going to be resolved by the Supreme Court, on its Constitutional grounds, with or with out US. So much for savings. I need another positive note. Oh, Poland High School, thanks to a Federal Recovery and Reinvestment Act and The Maine Forest Service who received $11.4 million, started installing a wood to energy boiler to heat the school. The grant was $636,372 not chump change. This heating system was badly needed as the main furnace had already failed. The use of this new furnace should help local wood product companies directly, though Poland has not signed a contract yet with any supplier for their fuel needs.
    Well as you can see a very busy first day. Even though its just the end of the first week in January,  things are really getting warm here in Maine.
                                                  Have a great day, all the best, Ms. Paula Page


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