Monday, January 10, 2011

Posts and staffers starting to show up for Lepage Administration

    Well people are finally being rounded up to be part of the New Maine. Governor Lepage has chosen  Norman Olsen for the Department of Marine Resources. Some of Norm's bio states he is a former commercial fisherman, a former federal fisheries regulator and, of all things, has experience with foreign diplomacy on counter terrorism to peace in the middle east. This is as good as it could possibly get, a man who not only can fish, regulate the fishing and plan to fight off the pirates at sea, but works for our state government, Incredible. Next we have Philip Congdon. He has accepted the post to The Department of Economic and Community Development. Phil is an engineer with many U.S. patents to his credit. He has worked for Texas Instruments (93-98) and was the V.P. of Optical Switch of Dallas from 2001-02. Phil, it is stated, also has a background in research and development in business. Perhaps, Mr. Philip Congdon can patent a new way to develop Maine's economy, with it's community in mind; because the guy at our next post is going to need that Patent quick. For our next Post we have Mr. Darryl Brown. Anyone remember this guy from the legislature? No. No one. Neither does he. He never mentions it anywhere on his resume. He was in the state legislature from 1979-1986. You should really take a look at his voting record, especially on the environment. Wow. Let's hear it for nuclear waste. Anyone care to interject? Democrats of the state? Greens? Oh, that's right they are a myth. Independents? None of you are going to speak up and say "Hey, wait a minute this guy did not seem to mind nuclear waste in Maine." Or, "This is the guy that's was mad because he was not allowed to blow up mountains to build houses on the steep slopes." Nobody. Huh? Must be short term memory pills in the water. One thing for sure about this appointment - The Department of Environmental Protection has been remade in one swift movement, it should now be called the Department of Economic Protection. This has to be a knife to the nuts (or equal female part) of environmentalists. Well, more work for them, part of the Master Plan. See, as environmentalists get mad, they get to work. Even if there is no money in it, at least it's work. Master Plan - create jobs, even if they do not pay. We will all get busy, or bitter. The other conflict with Darryl Brown is the fact that his business has been hired by Black Bear Entertainment to do the site development for the new casino in Oxford. It has been stated that Mr. Brown will recuse himself from his business while he serves, and has a lawyer working on the paperwork. Well, it is still his business, president of it or not. This just does not look good, or does it?
The Governor has also appointed two staffers. Mary Mayhew has been selected to be the senior adviser on health policy and conservation (does not sound like the two go together but that's what my notes say). And though we have no Head of Education, the senior policy adviser on Education will be Steve Bowen from the Maine Heritage Policy Center and he is also another former legislator. Our Best and Brightest list must be short and shallow with all this recycling of same-old-people going on. Anyone know someone qualified to work for the State of Maine that has not already done so? I don't believe Maine has a law to stop these people from the double dip pensions that happen everywhere else. But that is a blog of a whole different color. For Today rejoice my friends, our department heads are arriving. Soon Maine will be open for Business under the big beautiful Lepage Umbrella.
            God bless you. Please keep thinking. All your thoughts count, and only you can have yours.
                                                 Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page

1 comment:

  1. Amazing stuff.Have you seen what the Maine DEP oversees? Unbelievable :
