First I would like to say, a business is a beautiful thing. A business works to sell. A business works independently, usually, accept when a business violates anti-trust laws. A business works to make a profit. A business often keeps trade secrets and unless forced by Government, it keeps its secrets.
Even non-profits, which are a business, turn profits. Non-profits take the profit and turn it into a service, donation or, as often is the case, payroll. A business is always a profit seeking concern. In business profit has precedence over personal considerations. A business as long as it is compliant with all current laws needs not share a damn bit of information. Of course if it wishes to stay in business long a business will share what relevant information it must about its product, service, ect. What a business will not say is "Our CEO is a drunk" or "We only hire attractive women." It is just not our need to know until someone files a lawsuit or something gets leaked to the press. That is enough on businesses.
Let's move-on to a State Government, namely, Our State Government. For Governor Paul Lepage to even consider running Our state as a business is UnConstitutional. If the CEO of a company wants all the information vetted that is one thing, but in the State's case, You are the Owner, you are entitled to the truth as fast as it is thought of, not after it can be massaged in to a good looking spin (which is most often a flat out lie). To hog tie Our Representatives is business, not Government. First it was out with the Rules and now it is out with the information. What next - out with the people? Are we just in the way of business? This State of Maine has been set up to be "Of the people, By the people and For the people." But if we continue to accept this direction for Our Government, I must cede that it is a newly established Monarchy. Being born of and in this State of Maine, I will not yield to a king. Include the people in all the information, include the people in all the rules being thrown out and all the rules being made for them. So far all I have seen, is The king's new rules, or writs. "Make no rules" and "pass no information."
Sorry folks but that is how it feels so far to me. I am still trying hard to hold out. I've been looking for my "benefit of doubt" for a day or two. I know I put it here somewhere. I'll be back to finish this post later. In the mean time, Have a great day, keep thinking, Maine needs you all more now than ever.
Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page
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