Friday, February 4, 2011

Stealing the DEP and The New Republic Agenda

         In less then 30 days I have all but lost my sense of Humor and my ability to sit back and see objectively. The more research I do the worse this looks. Our new administration states it wants to cut government waste and spending. Yet, first mission, form a tour group and pretend to listen to the people,spending Our money as they go! One press statement and an electronic survey could have gotten The Lepage RED Tape Crew all the same Information at less cost. Every time I type the word RED, I think of big business and RED China, I can't help it. My brain is stuck on the "Red agenda," which looking at the bills for this session is not a joke.
     After the too controversial appointment of Darryl Brown to head of the DEP one can take a look at the Republican idea of saving the people money in a bill to remove regular employees from the department and Appoint 13 of what could only be called the Governor's Pets. Please take a look at this: Taking the DEP or the new Department of Economic Protection 
Really, this saves money and cuts government? Not a chance. It is more of the power grab that we are about to witness. After looking over the many bills before our legislature I am convinced the people's work must be More political power for the politicos. For these people who have taken a Constitutional oath of office are more than ready to get out their pocket knives and start whittling away at all of it. In the name of saving you money these misguided individuals have come up with a plan to steal your representation, Not just once but on multiple fronts and in many ways. Check out this "crafty" amendment to Your State Constitution: The taking of Our representatives 
 Now just in case you're not happy with 131 Reps. in a State that grew 4.2% last year, you could settle for one with even bigger cuts to your representation leaving,  Maybe 101 Representatives? 
I like the Constitution of Maine, it is Ours, and by design for the people of Maine. I can't help but wonder if Lance Harvell, Richard Cebra and the rest of this rat pack did not take a back door oath that said, " and to change the Constitution of Maine where we see fit." For as we look at this next bill we see the true extent of "the people unworked".  Terms & Term Limits
I do not believe for one second that the people of Maine in any community have asked that Our Representatives seek 4 year terms for themselves, or that we think they should double their time in office. The truth is they want power and money, indeed they want your Government for their agenda. Further proof of that is this sleazy little bill here:  A measure to unleash the Tea Party? 
How blind can we be? There is no attempt in any of these bills at "the people's work." Our government is moving to make us hostage to a foreign agenda, one that says, " A government of the Republic, for the New Republican, exclusive of the people, in the interest of Business, for our sakes so help us God."
 These bills and many more will be thrown at us as cost saving measures to be sure. How, one should ask, "does it save me to surrender My State, My Constitution, and My Rights to a big business agenda with no people in sight?" I have never been enrolled in a party system. Always thinking that a better candidate could be found, should be found and would be put in office by the majority when proven of worth and right. Many times there are simply no candidates to choose from, or they will not stand. Yet, still outside of party politics there is a certain center, a place where the lesser evil, the truer course for a State to take, in the interests of all the People, often appears. So when a bill like this next one comes rolling along what am I to think? Unenrolled disqualified from clean election funds if you have no primary?
 Independents are frowned upon by the established order, I understand that. We are overlooked, excluded, and cast out as if a leprosy on the body politic. More often than not Independent candidates find money outside of the current system anyway. Though one would think with the Majority of Maine being unenrolled we would deserve an equal say in our State's thoughts and actions.
There is hope yet that the citizens of Maine will once again rise to the occasion, with heads held high and demand that the State Government remain "a Government of the people, by the people, and for the people." That the people's work at some point will begin in earnest. That our present Politicos will pull their respective heads out of their respective arses and get to the real work:  Streamline all of the extra management in Our offices. Cut off the unnecessary tours of political puppets. Cut internal administrators and Human Resource people sitting around discussing with employees how their benefits work. Cut, Cut, Cut. Pay, Pay, Pay, get to work today. Cut all of your Benefits. I really do not care to spend $32.00 a day on your food. I bring my lunch to work as should you. It is healthier and the responsible thing to do. Also, every law, every discussion of a law, every meeting is Our money. Foolish whoopie pie laws are a waste; to your waist, heart, mind and pocket. I should think you could all go home and save us all the money, pass no laws. Leave the accounting department open to collect receivables and send out the pay ables.                                                                                                                                                         Good luck, God bless, Keep thinking,
                                                            Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page 

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