There is in this Country and in Our own State an underestimated swelling of people demanding a government that is representative of the people. For the powers that be to overlook this fact is to their own detriment. Though it is to your advantage. The idea has not yet fixed itself in the mind of the politician that not only can we decipher facts, we can make choices based on facts. Their lies are as transparent as their thin Onion skin and their facts are just as odorous. An example: King Paul Lepage says, "the public employee stands to gain 2% in their pay next year by ending the furlough days," (which had been proposed to save the State money). Never stating that He is taking 2% from all the State workers as part of his Pension Theft Plan. This 2% he will take from people's paychecks will never even go into the pension fund, it will go into the General fund. Yet we are to believe it is reform. Do any of you know that The State of Maine does not pay into Social Security, like our employers do, like we do? We pay about 6.2% of our pay to S.S. and our Employer matches that with another 6.2%. In the State of Maine a retirement system is used instead of S.S. The State only pays 5.5%(which it has not been paying) and the employee pays 7.2% of their check in. The State has a better deal then all of the Private sector companies. Yet they are pretending like the people are the burden. So now King PAUL says: 'We will make them Pay 9.2% of the pay into the pension, but we will reform the pension by upping the retirement age and canceling cost of living increases. That way we can take these projected savings, apply them to the Pension system and keep the 2% that we take out of the employees' pay checks right in the general fund.' People, I ask you, How is this Not Theft?.
If anything, business should be up in arms demanding a better deal, or joining the State plan so they too could pay only 5.5% of their employees' retirement. But, alas no, they will be happy to get Huge depreciation tax breaks on equipment and that whooping one sixth of one percent tax cut that will help all of us so much. When the People finally wake up to the fact that the RED AGENDA is a Corporate push to remove the people completely from their Government, it will be War. Our form of Government exists, Of the people, by the people and for the people. What they are planning looks nothing like that. It looks more like: Of their money, for their money, Buy their product. The end product is the consumption of YOU.
The tea party keeps trying to push the idea upon me that workers in Unions are communists. I have a hard time swallowing that. Under their Idea, every group that negotiates a discount on insurance or by buying something in bulk would be communist. Thus, Walmart is the Biggest communist faction in the nation without a union. This may be, for crushing other businesses till they are the only one seems to be their agenda and at all costs, even when it means losing money.
None of our current Problems stem from the people of this country not contributing their fair share. Yes there are some free riders: welfare, criminals riding along in prisons, mental incompetents that can not work or contribute. Though for the most part these free riders and their costs could be absorbed by the population. ALL of our problems come from the chronic waste of poor government. The waste of expedience and the theft of Corporations and their lobbyists. Our problems stem from the choice of wars paid for on a credit card. With no Country, NO Corporation held accountable for the debt. No, instead the Corporations collected interest on the debt and we just casually called them Bailouts. The lies are great and growing. As these people try to blow smoke into Our eyes so we no longer see the truth, I would say where there is smoke there is Fire. It is Time for the People to rush toward the Fire despite the smoke. Beat the fire out, hose it down, set counter fires to remove fuel that allows the fire to spread, dig trenches and fire lines. But for the sake of God and Country, for the Love of our children and our Lives, to save the REPUBLIC stand up now. Armed with truth and your rights to YOUR GOVERNMENT.
I thank all of you who turned out yesterday at the State House. 500+ realize that the real war has started. Spread the word, grow your numbers or lose your State, and then your Country. The Choice is yours it always has been.
Be well, do good work, Keep thinking. Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page
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