There is in this Country and in Our own State an underestimated swelling of people demanding a government that is representative of the people. For the powers that be to overlook this fact is to their own detriment. Though it is to your advantage. The idea has not yet fixed itself in the mind of the politician that not only can we decipher facts, we can make choices based on facts. Their lies are as transparent as their thin Onion skin and their facts are just as odorous. An example: King Paul Lepage says, "the public employee stands to gain 2% in their pay next year by ending the furlough days," (which had been proposed to save the State money). Never stating that He is taking 2% from all the State workers as part of his Pension Theft Plan. This 2% he will take from people's paychecks will never even go into the pension fund, it will go into the General fund. Yet we are to believe it is reform. Do any of you know that The State of Maine does not pay into Social Security, like our employers do, like we do? We pay about 6.2% of our pay to S.S. and our Employer matches that with another 6.2%. In the State of Maine a retirement system is used instead of S.S. The State only pays 5.5%(which it has not been paying) and the employee pays 7.2% of their check in. The State has a better deal then all of the Private sector companies. Yet they are pretending like the people are the burden. So now King PAUL says: 'We will make them Pay 9.2% of the pay into the pension, but we will reform the pension by upping the retirement age and canceling cost of living increases. That way we can take these projected savings, apply them to the Pension system and keep the 2% that we take out of the employees' pay checks right in the general fund.' People, I ask you, How is this Not Theft?.
If anything, business should be up in arms demanding a better deal, or joining the State plan so they too could pay only 5.5% of their employees' retirement. But, alas no, they will be happy to get Huge depreciation tax breaks on equipment and that whooping one sixth of one percent tax cut that will help all of us so much. When the People finally wake up to the fact that the RED AGENDA is a Corporate push to remove the people completely from their Government, it will be War. Our form of Government exists, Of the people, by the people and for the people. What they are planning looks nothing like that. It looks more like: Of their money, for their money, Buy their product. The end product is the consumption of YOU.
The tea party keeps trying to push the idea upon me that workers in Unions are communists. I have a hard time swallowing that. Under their Idea, every group that negotiates a discount on insurance or by buying something in bulk would be communist. Thus, Walmart is the Biggest communist faction in the nation without a union. This may be, for crushing other businesses till they are the only one seems to be their agenda and at all costs, even when it means losing money.
None of our current Problems stem from the people of this country not contributing their fair share. Yes there are some free riders: welfare, criminals riding along in prisons, mental incompetents that can not work or contribute. Though for the most part these free riders and their costs could be absorbed by the population. ALL of our problems come from the chronic waste of poor government. The waste of expedience and the theft of Corporations and their lobbyists. Our problems stem from the choice of wars paid for on a credit card. With no Country, NO Corporation held accountable for the debt. No, instead the Corporations collected interest on the debt and we just casually called them Bailouts. The lies are great and growing. As these people try to blow smoke into Our eyes so we no longer see the truth, I would say where there is smoke there is Fire. It is Time for the People to rush toward the Fire despite the smoke. Beat the fire out, hose it down, set counter fires to remove fuel that allows the fire to spread, dig trenches and fire lines. But for the sake of God and Country, for the Love of our children and our Lives, to save the REPUBLIC stand up now. Armed with truth and your rights to YOUR GOVERNMENT.
I thank all of you who turned out yesterday at the State House. 500+ realize that the real war has started. Spread the word, grow your numbers or lose your State, and then your Country. The Choice is yours it always has been.
Be well, do good work, Keep thinking. Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page
On a mission to discover, discuss and disrobe the political clown parade of Politics today.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Maine!! Only you, can save your State!!
We have seen outright lies. A pure New Red Agenda of hate and greed. The people in government no longer matter, as long as they are Loyal. The people governed no longer matter, in fact they have been reduced to be the only problem of the State. It is, as if the people are "in the way" of a good democratic government. WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT. Before you make your plans for this weekend please consider joining "The People Of MAINE in Augusta". This Saturday, we will be heard. We will put this new Agenda on notice that "Our State is Our State." Petty Tyrants will not be taken lightly. As One voice we are a state, alone we are an opinion. No person will ever regret being on the right side of History. This I beg of you, Be on the Side of Maine's History! Stand together Saturday, Feb. 26th.
Maine Matters. You Matter. Our homes, our children, our agenda. OUR GOVERNMENT!!!
The people of the Great State of Maine. Representatives of the United States of America.
Let's all have coffee in Augusta.
Maine Matters. You Matter. Our homes, our children, our agenda. OUR GOVERNMENT!!!
The people of the Great State of Maine. Representatives of the United States of America.
Let's all have coffee in Augusta.
What part of the truth?
When a State needs hope, why would we rip it away? When the truth is plain and easy to see, why would we lie? Do people matter? Is our government to be reduced to a Financial transaction? Fiscal responsibility is an absolute problem. Why then do we not hold those Accountable for the theft, responsible for the theft? Acting as if the people have stolen the wealth of a State and a Nation is what the Criminal minds have planned. It is the perfect frame up; you get to fight it out. Killing yourselves to live. Everything is being reduced down now to a global economy. One where The Corporate giants collect all of your capital and spend it on a world stage to gain more power over other nations. You suffer for their gross growth. Calling it free trade is a misnomer it is a 'killing trade', free from all the people. The outcome, power and control until there is no profit left. Do you really believe that Corporate power should be the Worlds form of Government? We fight for little, all the while losing it all. Who will address the truth? The problem is not you and me perse, it is 'control of us' for profit in a World eat World Corporate cattle call. Only the King of Businessland would follow this model!!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Wherever the Truth Appears It is Its Own Evidence
So here we are again ready to concede our right to that of big business bullies that believe they in their own right are just. Would the truth need to be hidden from the people if the acts were just? Would the People feel that their idea of life in Maine was hanging in the balance if the people's work was being done? How in one month's time can a man cause such distain and disgust in a people. To state that "the Governor's transitional team was not involved in government business," is a flat out lie. To deny the public access to the documents that are now at work on public policy is criminal. Worse yet, to Govern a State to only further a party and one's personal agenda is tyrannical.
People are measured by their words and actions; these two show a hidden truth. People who choose to spread fear, should be feared. The very idea of telling a population "the problem is worse than he thought" is to spread this fear, that the people will concede their State to his will, deeming it just. When a fireworks bill is presented as an emergency piece of Legislation, look out- the real emergency is to run you over before you wake up! King Paul's new reform of the Pension fund is more of the same theft practiced by 'Joc' Mckernan. This is by design to steal money from it rather than make it solvent. Adding the supposed $63 million to education from this theft is a bone to the dogs, for them to fight over. All the while large black marks will be left upon the backs of the people of our State. All money saved by reforming the State Retirement System must by law and right be put back into that system for solvency. This money is not general fund money. All of this money will have been paid for and by State workers, yet will not be paid into the fund; It will be kept in the general fund. $524 million! Then you, oh blessed Mainer, get a whooping .6%, that is one sixth of a percent tax cut. I say keep it. This is another rancid bone thrown at you, in hopes that it hits you squarely in the head, thus rendering your thoughts useless.
As I sit here and write this our economy seems to be on the rise. What was the blackest night seems to be settling out into a deep gray. Through all of our present National problems Maine fared better than the rest of the country. How can that be if we are in such dire-straights? King Paul's "Shared Sacrifice Plan" has only the state worker, the retiree and the poor sharing the Burden, while the top will benefit greatly from even the smallest tax cuts. It appears that the idea of "trickle down" economics is still in the minds of some, but this does not work. To give the wealthy money is to patronize them. They feel and act as if better than you. They do not use free money to invest in jobs. No. It is not until they are being squeezed for money, that they try to create new cash flow; New jobs!
Where is the motivation to go get, be, or create new jobs when you get your money from the government as an earned interest in keeping the people poor? The Governor said if you want to "get ahead, get a job," thusly implying you do not work. Ask him how long someone would have to work at Mardens to get ahead. How many hours would there be before the realization that the head was an ass for even thinking such a line could help. There is no doubt that we must work. That we work in earnest and toward a better richer life, with time for the enrichment of our lives, is the base need. This part your employers (all) deprive you of. And deliberately so, for if given the opportunity, you know their business better than they and out the door you would go, to compete against them. Where is the livable wage? Watch and wait for your trickle down. As you work harder, better, faster there is no more. Only you can provide for you. It is the very nature of Business to suppress cost and we are it! The cost of not having a livable wage has always been passed onto our Government and we can see the effects of it now in dramatic fashion. Yet, who gets the bailout? The War Machine, The Banker, The Sicocorp, The Insurer, the very thieves that would not pay in the first. For fear that you might better yourselves.
Please do not believe for one second that your Power, your Rights trickle down from above. You are the Government of Maine. Where there are lies demand truth! Where there is injustice, demand justice! Where there is work do work! It is always the pleasure of Business to reform a people rather than the business. It is as if the regulations are there to stop the business, not safeguard and encourage the people. As this big business, trickle down agenda takes affect watch Our State, for the deficit will grow, even in the good economy to come! Ronald Regan proved it!
Maine has been moved to pre-plan its attempts to save our State. The Maine Peoples Veto Alliance (now formally named The Maine Voters Alliance) has had its first official meeting and judging from the attendance people are angry, frightened, confused and down right pissed. Not a good place to be for a State.
I would like all of you to understand that as bills are passed into Law this session they do not go into effect until 90 days after the legislative session ends. That means pay attention, if you do not like a law when the Session ends, we have 10 days to submit the paper work to petition the law and 90 days to get enough signatures. In this case 60,000 to force the law unto the ballot where it will be voted on by the people of Maine. It is a pass or fail but in a last resort case it is the best option. I would urge all of you to contact your Representatives before any bill you do not agree with ever passes in the first place. That they will listen I can not say, but let your voice be heard.
I do not believe in big expensive government, nor an ever expansive government. But I do believe in a Government of the people, by the people and for the people. Regardless of the special interests, the people are the only interest. Maine is yours, stand up for it or live with whatever trickles down.
The choice is yours, it always has been. Be well, Do good work, God bless you and yours.
Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page
People are measured by their words and actions; these two show a hidden truth. People who choose to spread fear, should be feared. The very idea of telling a population "the problem is worse than he thought" is to spread this fear, that the people will concede their State to his will, deeming it just. When a fireworks bill is presented as an emergency piece of Legislation, look out- the real emergency is to run you over before you wake up! King Paul's new reform of the Pension fund is more of the same theft practiced by 'Joc' Mckernan. This is by design to steal money from it rather than make it solvent. Adding the supposed $63 million to education from this theft is a bone to the dogs, for them to fight over. All the while large black marks will be left upon the backs of the people of our State. All money saved by reforming the State Retirement System must by law and right be put back into that system for solvency. This money is not general fund money. All of this money will have been paid for and by State workers, yet will not be paid into the fund; It will be kept in the general fund. $524 million! Then you, oh blessed Mainer, get a whooping .6%, that is one sixth of a percent tax cut. I say keep it. This is another rancid bone thrown at you, in hopes that it hits you squarely in the head, thus rendering your thoughts useless.
As I sit here and write this our economy seems to be on the rise. What was the blackest night seems to be settling out into a deep gray. Through all of our present National problems Maine fared better than the rest of the country. How can that be if we are in such dire-straights? King Paul's "Shared Sacrifice Plan" has only the state worker, the retiree and the poor sharing the Burden, while the top will benefit greatly from even the smallest tax cuts. It appears that the idea of "trickle down" economics is still in the minds of some, but this does not work. To give the wealthy money is to patronize them. They feel and act as if better than you. They do not use free money to invest in jobs. No. It is not until they are being squeezed for money, that they try to create new cash flow; New jobs!
Where is the motivation to go get, be, or create new jobs when you get your money from the government as an earned interest in keeping the people poor? The Governor said if you want to "get ahead, get a job," thusly implying you do not work. Ask him how long someone would have to work at Mardens to get ahead. How many hours would there be before the realization that the head was an ass for even thinking such a line could help. There is no doubt that we must work. That we work in earnest and toward a better richer life, with time for the enrichment of our lives, is the base need. This part your employers (all) deprive you of. And deliberately so, for if given the opportunity, you know their business better than they and out the door you would go, to compete against them. Where is the livable wage? Watch and wait for your trickle down. As you work harder, better, faster there is no more. Only you can provide for you. It is the very nature of Business to suppress cost and we are it! The cost of not having a livable wage has always been passed onto our Government and we can see the effects of it now in dramatic fashion. Yet, who gets the bailout? The War Machine, The Banker, The Sicocorp, The Insurer, the very thieves that would not pay in the first. For fear that you might better yourselves.
Please do not believe for one second that your Power, your Rights trickle down from above. You are the Government of Maine. Where there are lies demand truth! Where there is injustice, demand justice! Where there is work do work! It is always the pleasure of Business to reform a people rather than the business. It is as if the regulations are there to stop the business, not safeguard and encourage the people. As this big business, trickle down agenda takes affect watch Our State, for the deficit will grow, even in the good economy to come! Ronald Regan proved it!
Maine has been moved to pre-plan its attempts to save our State. The Maine Peoples Veto Alliance (now formally named The Maine Voters Alliance) has had its first official meeting and judging from the attendance people are angry, frightened, confused and down right pissed. Not a good place to be for a State.
I would like all of you to understand that as bills are passed into Law this session they do not go into effect until 90 days after the legislative session ends. That means pay attention, if you do not like a law when the Session ends, we have 10 days to submit the paper work to petition the law and 90 days to get enough signatures. In this case 60,000 to force the law unto the ballot where it will be voted on by the people of Maine. It is a pass or fail but in a last resort case it is the best option. I would urge all of you to contact your Representatives before any bill you do not agree with ever passes in the first place. That they will listen I can not say, but let your voice be heard.
I do not believe in big expensive government, nor an ever expansive government. But I do believe in a Government of the people, by the people and for the people. Regardless of the special interests, the people are the only interest. Maine is yours, stand up for it or live with whatever trickles down.
The choice is yours, it always has been. Be well, Do good work, God bless you and yours.
Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page
Friday, February 11, 2011
It is worse than he thought. But please don't you bother to think!
Hey how about that .60% tax cut? Where are you going to spend all that? The State is in worse shape then King Paul thought, or so he says. Yet out of the kindness of his heart you get a tax break. Even though the State can really use the money and you'll never notice that extra dollar over the year. But "there's no gimmicks." Here is another piece of wonderment, brought back to us from the "old Jock" era: The $63million additional monies for education will come from the $500million in savings from the pension fund!! What? If that is not a gimmick, then as we have seen in the past, it is a flat out lie. But does king Paul stand before us and tell us the truth? The painful truth, or the sacrifical truth. No, give them a speech about more reform, try to fool the people. How about we include the people. Tell us who is going to suffer, while you give us a tax cut. You really have the old lead balls to try and send this out as a Jobs bill. Seems the economy is turning the corner without your help, with less unemployment claims again this week, and more clean energy jobs and construction coming online. Mortage rates are going up finally. So, I would hurry along your little re-pollution plan before a relative growth in economy happens. People will be less likely to fall for it as "regulation reform" if they have the advantage of a clear clean day and warm summer sun.
Today, when we get passed the little preview speech and see the actual numbers it should be very interesting.
And as far as the new snow dumping proposals, some of your friends have come up with a fund raiser for you! We are going to start selling soot gray snow-cones covered in Antifreeze, to support the re-election of King Lepage.
We will talk again later today, be safe and have fun.
God bless us and save us from ourselves,
Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page
Today, when we get passed the little preview speech and see the actual numbers it should be very interesting.
And as far as the new snow dumping proposals, some of your friends have come up with a fund raiser for you! We are going to start selling soot gray snow-cones covered in Antifreeze, to support the re-election of King Lepage.
We will talk again later today, be safe and have fun.
God bless us and save us from ourselves,
Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
A People Without Place; The Waste of a State and a Nation
Let there be no doubt, when Americans are pushed they can become innovative and motivated. At the same time Americans when pushed can be masters of destruction, waste and hate. I sense that in fear, with great haste we are moving away from the innovative creative source of America and toward a wasted useless past. When hate and division spring eternal, all hope is lost. Many of our leaders today have only their pet-like private agenda, there is never a truth or a greater good. Just a selfishness that is rotten and wanting of place. How can a bunch of middle aged men stand in front of a country and justify talking about women's rights and abortions. The bastards will never need one, unless of course they get their young mistress pregnant, then I'm sure ever so discretely it's off to some other country and done. This business is that of the women of a nation. It never was and never is to be ours. To waste Our nations time ripping at our own, working on wasteful legislation and propagandizing the entire time is a crime against this Nation. The lies pile up, as does the true work of this great country. Ignorance is no excuse and the people of this nation are not for the government's personal use.
I was talking with a fine Republican today, and he acted as if we should not have to worry about the Chinese Communist ripping off our technology, that in fact if they would just play fair, and make our products we would be okay. Well, I am not really one who spouts off for protectionist measures but for the life of me I can not understand what we don't get about Communism. China, unlike the Russians when they were the USSR, are in the free market, without being free. Their rules are theirs and we play by an entirely different set. If you think for one minute that American corporations doing business in China are doing America a service, you may as well go join the communist party. Their intent is to bury you under a land fill of your own greed and debt. All the while keeping their people working and fed, thus calm and under control. Their melt down will never come with American Business there to feed them all our technology and all our money and jobs. Russia did not get American business to save its Communist Structure, so it fell apart. It was never a matter of tearing down a wall. It is not giving them any business, not upgrading their equipment. Keeping them out of the technological divide did Russian Communism in.
The truth today is that an ever increasing drive for more profit has put the very Idea of a free country, with liberty and justice for all in danger. Why should you have a share in my profit? As you are my tool, so I shall keep you until, our very government is reduced to a mere board of directors waiting for the final fall of the Stock market. The consumption of corporate goods does not make a government. Having Our government in sexual relationships with corporate America does not breed a just, fair, equitable or caring people. On the contrary it breeds the worst of a destructive democracy. This build up is the end all, with the loss of Our government its main end. We could go on and on with analysis, but it will come out the same. If we continue to remove the individual from our state and place our trust in an ever growing corporate government, we are lost and powerless.
So, when your government tells you "it is going to deregulate" it is going to "cut programs" it is going to "attract business," look out. This is when you must assert yourselves the most. Let it be known under no circumstances are you ready to surrender: your rights, your government, and your Country, to some outside entity on blind faith that they will not treat you as they always have- a profit preventative unit of labor.
Good luck and God's speed to the right
Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page
I was talking with a fine Republican today, and he acted as if we should not have to worry about the Chinese Communist ripping off our technology, that in fact if they would just play fair, and make our products we would be okay. Well, I am not really one who spouts off for protectionist measures but for the life of me I can not understand what we don't get about Communism. China, unlike the Russians when they were the USSR, are in the free market, without being free. Their rules are theirs and we play by an entirely different set. If you think for one minute that American corporations doing business in China are doing America a service, you may as well go join the communist party. Their intent is to bury you under a land fill of your own greed and debt. All the while keeping their people working and fed, thus calm and under control. Their melt down will never come with American Business there to feed them all our technology and all our money and jobs. Russia did not get American business to save its Communist Structure, so it fell apart. It was never a matter of tearing down a wall. It is not giving them any business, not upgrading their equipment. Keeping them out of the technological divide did Russian Communism in.
The truth today is that an ever increasing drive for more profit has put the very Idea of a free country, with liberty and justice for all in danger. Why should you have a share in my profit? As you are my tool, so I shall keep you until, our very government is reduced to a mere board of directors waiting for the final fall of the Stock market. The consumption of corporate goods does not make a government. Having Our government in sexual relationships with corporate America does not breed a just, fair, equitable or caring people. On the contrary it breeds the worst of a destructive democracy. This build up is the end all, with the loss of Our government its main end. We could go on and on with analysis, but it will come out the same. If we continue to remove the individual from our state and place our trust in an ever growing corporate government, we are lost and powerless.
So, when your government tells you "it is going to deregulate" it is going to "cut programs" it is going to "attract business," look out. This is when you must assert yourselves the most. Let it be known under no circumstances are you ready to surrender: your rights, your government, and your Country, to some outside entity on blind faith that they will not treat you as they always have- a profit preventative unit of labor.
Good luck and God's speed to the right
Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page
Friday, February 4, 2011
Stealing the DEP and The New Republic Agenda
In less then 30 days I have all but lost my sense of Humor and my ability to sit back and see objectively. The more research I do the worse this looks. Our new administration states it wants to cut government waste and spending. Yet, first mission, form a tour group and pretend to listen to the people,spending Our money as they go! One press statement and an electronic survey could have gotten The Lepage RED Tape Crew all the same Information at less cost. Every time I type the word RED, I think of big business and RED China, I can't help it. My brain is stuck on the "Red agenda," which looking at the bills for this session is not a joke.
After the too controversial appointment of Darryl Brown to head of the DEP one can take a look at the Republican idea of saving the people money in a bill to remove regular employees from the department and Appoint 13 of what could only be called the Governor's Pets. Please take a look at this: Taking the DEP or the new Department of Economic Protection
Really, this saves money and cuts government? Not a chance. It is more of the power grab that we are about to witness. After looking over the many bills before our legislature I am convinced the people's work must be More political power for the politicos. For these people who have taken a Constitutional oath of office are more than ready to get out their pocket knives and start whittling away at all of it. In the name of saving you money these misguided individuals have come up with a plan to steal your representation, Not just once but on multiple fronts and in many ways. Check out this "crafty" amendment to Your State Constitution: The taking of Our representatives
Now just in case you're not happy with 131 Reps. in a State that grew 4.2% last year, you could settle for one with even bigger cuts to your representation leaving, Maybe 101 Representatives?
I like the Constitution of Maine, it is Ours, and by design for the people of Maine. I can't help but wonder if Lance Harvell, Richard Cebra and the rest of this rat pack did not take a back door oath that said, " and to change the Constitution of Maine where we see fit." For as we look at this next bill we see the true extent of "the people unworked". Terms & Term Limits
I do not believe for one second that the people of Maine in any community have asked that Our Representatives seek 4 year terms for themselves, or that we think they should double their time in office. The truth is they want power and money, indeed they want your Government for their agenda. Further proof of that is this sleazy little bill here: A measure to unleash the Tea Party?
How blind can we be? There is no attempt in any of these bills at "the people's work." Our government is moving to make us hostage to a foreign agenda, one that says, " A government of the Republic, for the New Republican, exclusive of the people, in the interest of Business, for our sakes so help us God."
These bills and many more will be thrown at us as cost saving measures to be sure. How, one should ask, "does it save me to surrender My State, My Constitution, and My Rights to a big business agenda with no people in sight?" I have never been enrolled in a party system. Always thinking that a better candidate could be found, should be found and would be put in office by the majority when proven of worth and right. Many times there are simply no candidates to choose from, or they will not stand. Yet, still outside of party politics there is a certain center, a place where the lesser evil, the truer course for a State to take, in the interests of all the People, often appears. So when a bill like this next one comes rolling along what am I to think? Unenrolled disqualified from clean election funds if you have no primary?
Independents are frowned upon by the established order, I understand that. We are overlooked, excluded, and cast out as if a leprosy on the body politic. More often than not Independent candidates find money outside of the current system anyway. Though one would think with the Majority of Maine being unenrolled we would deserve an equal say in our State's thoughts and actions.
There is hope yet that the citizens of Maine will once again rise to the occasion, with heads held high and demand that the State Government remain "a Government of the people, by the people, and for the people." That the people's work at some point will begin in earnest. That our present Politicos will pull their respective heads out of their respective arses and get to the real work: Streamline all of the extra management in Our offices. Cut off the unnecessary tours of political puppets. Cut internal administrators and Human Resource people sitting around discussing with employees how their benefits work. Cut, Cut, Cut. Pay, Pay, Pay, get to work today. Cut all of your Benefits. I really do not care to spend $32.00 a day on your food. I bring my lunch to work as should you. It is healthier and the responsible thing to do. Also, every law, every discussion of a law, every meeting is Our money. Foolish whoopie pie laws are a waste; to your waist, heart, mind and pocket. I should think you could all go home and save us all the money, pass no laws. Leave the accounting department open to collect receivables and send out the pay ables. Good luck, God bless, Keep thinking,
Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page
After the too controversial appointment of Darryl Brown to head of the DEP one can take a look at the Republican idea of saving the people money in a bill to remove regular employees from the department and Appoint 13 of what could only be called the Governor's Pets. Please take a look at this: Taking the DEP or the new Department of Economic Protection
Really, this saves money and cuts government? Not a chance. It is more of the power grab that we are about to witness. After looking over the many bills before our legislature I am convinced the people's work must be More political power for the politicos. For these people who have taken a Constitutional oath of office are more than ready to get out their pocket knives and start whittling away at all of it. In the name of saving you money these misguided individuals have come up with a plan to steal your representation, Not just once but on multiple fronts and in many ways. Check out this "crafty" amendment to Your State Constitution: The taking of Our representatives
Now just in case you're not happy with 131 Reps. in a State that grew 4.2% last year, you could settle for one with even bigger cuts to your representation leaving, Maybe 101 Representatives?
I like the Constitution of Maine, it is Ours, and by design for the people of Maine. I can't help but wonder if Lance Harvell, Richard Cebra and the rest of this rat pack did not take a back door oath that said, " and to change the Constitution of Maine where we see fit." For as we look at this next bill we see the true extent of "the people unworked". Terms & Term Limits
I do not believe for one second that the people of Maine in any community have asked that Our Representatives seek 4 year terms for themselves, or that we think they should double their time in office. The truth is they want power and money, indeed they want your Government for their agenda. Further proof of that is this sleazy little bill here: A measure to unleash the Tea Party?
How blind can we be? There is no attempt in any of these bills at "the people's work." Our government is moving to make us hostage to a foreign agenda, one that says, " A government of the Republic, for the New Republican, exclusive of the people, in the interest of Business, for our sakes so help us God."
These bills and many more will be thrown at us as cost saving measures to be sure. How, one should ask, "does it save me to surrender My State, My Constitution, and My Rights to a big business agenda with no people in sight?" I have never been enrolled in a party system. Always thinking that a better candidate could be found, should be found and would be put in office by the majority when proven of worth and right. Many times there are simply no candidates to choose from, or they will not stand. Yet, still outside of party politics there is a certain center, a place where the lesser evil, the truer course for a State to take, in the interests of all the People, often appears. So when a bill like this next one comes rolling along what am I to think? Unenrolled disqualified from clean election funds if you have no primary?
Independents are frowned upon by the established order, I understand that. We are overlooked, excluded, and cast out as if a leprosy on the body politic. More often than not Independent candidates find money outside of the current system anyway. Though one would think with the Majority of Maine being unenrolled we would deserve an equal say in our State's thoughts and actions.
There is hope yet that the citizens of Maine will once again rise to the occasion, with heads held high and demand that the State Government remain "a Government of the people, by the people, and for the people." That the people's work at some point will begin in earnest. That our present Politicos will pull their respective heads out of their respective arses and get to the real work: Streamline all of the extra management in Our offices. Cut off the unnecessary tours of political puppets. Cut internal administrators and Human Resource people sitting around discussing with employees how their benefits work. Cut, Cut, Cut. Pay, Pay, Pay, get to work today. Cut all of your Benefits. I really do not care to spend $32.00 a day on your food. I bring my lunch to work as should you. It is healthier and the responsible thing to do. Also, every law, every discussion of a law, every meeting is Our money. Foolish whoopie pie laws are a waste; to your waist, heart, mind and pocket. I should think you could all go home and save us all the money, pass no laws. Leave the accounting department open to collect receivables and send out the pay ables. Good luck, God bless, Keep thinking,
Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page
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