Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A People Without Place; The Waste of a State and a Nation

    Let there be no doubt, when Americans are pushed they can become innovative and motivated. At the same time Americans when pushed can be masters of destruction, waste and hate. I sense that in fear, with great haste we are moving away from the innovative creative source of America and toward a wasted useless past. When hate and division spring eternal, all hope is lost. Many of our leaders today have only their pet-like private agenda, there is never a truth or a greater good. Just a selfishness that is rotten and wanting of place. How can a bunch of middle aged men stand in front of a country and justify talking about women's rights and abortions. The bastards will never need one, unless of course they get their young mistress pregnant, then I'm sure ever so discretely it's off to some other country and done. This business is that of the women of a nation. It never was and never is to be ours.   To waste Our nations time ripping at our own, working on wasteful legislation and propagandizing the entire time is a crime against this Nation. The lies pile up, as does the true work of this great country. Ignorance is no excuse and the people of this nation are not for the government's personal use.
       I was talking with a fine Republican today, and he acted as if we should not have to worry about the Chinese Communist ripping off our technology, that in fact if they would just play fair, and make our products we would be okay. Well, I am not really one who spouts off for protectionist measures but for the life of me I can not understand what we don't get about Communism. China, unlike the Russians when they were the USSR,  are in the free market, without being free. Their rules are theirs and we play by an entirely different set.  If you think for one minute that American corporations doing business in China are doing America a service, you may as well go join the communist party. Their intent is to bury you under a land fill of your own greed and debt. All the while keeping their people working and fed, thus calm and under control. Their melt down will never come with American Business there to feed them all our technology and all our money and jobs. Russia did not get American business to save its Communist Structure, so it fell apart. It was never a matter of tearing down a wall. It is not giving them any business, not upgrading their equipment. Keeping them out of the technological divide did Russian Communism in.
        The truth today is that an ever increasing drive for more profit has put the very Idea of a free country, with liberty and justice for all in danger. Why should you have a share in my profit? As you are my tool, so I shall keep you until, our very government is reduced to a mere board of directors waiting for the final fall of the Stock market. The consumption of corporate goods does not make a government. Having Our government in sexual relationships with corporate America does not breed a just, fair, equitable or caring people. On the contrary it breeds the worst of a destructive democracy. This build up is the end all, with the loss of Our government its main end.  We could go on and on with analysis, but it will come out the same. If we continue to remove the individual from our state and place our trust in an ever growing corporate government, we are lost and powerless.
            So, when your government tells you "it is going to deregulate" it is going to "cut programs" it is going to "attract business," look out. This is when you must assert yourselves the most. Let it be known under no circumstances are you ready to surrender: your rights, your government, and your Country, to some outside entity on blind faith that they will not treat you as they always have- a profit preventative unit of labor.
                                             Good luck and God's speed to the right
                                                      Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page


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