Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fear and The Art of Dodging Issues

   Many of you have expressed your fear that we have a Governor with an IQ lower than that of G.w., It may be worse than you think. Ignorance has no intelligence. Politicians 'use' the Media with deliberate outcomes. The fall out from this last bulwark has taken Our State far off the point of State. We can if we choose to, get all caught up in the Lepage character flaws, or we can pay attention to the details of Our State. In turning our heads to look at the words, we might just miss the fact the entire landscape has been changed, and without our approval. We are being distracted from the issues our state faces while a silent takeover of our State continues. Please, hold your local press accountable for true reports on local politics. One of this Governor's first moves was to stop Us from getting information about Our State. I could care less about Paul Lepage's personality short comings, they are many, and he is base. I care that we need good leadership in Maine, as these are times that require truth and action, a Shipload of hope and a state of mindful vigilance. We do need to pay our bills as a state. We do, like the rest of the country, need more jobs that pay a livable, taxable wage in this State. At the same time we need Our Government intact and fully functioning. I would suggest that all our Appointments be made and all our departments get to work. 

   We do not need to surrender our constitution to the same people who say they will defend and uphold it. Gutting the Constitution of Maine does not and will not create one job for the people. It will not and does not represent the people of Maine. Long has the fight been waged to find ourselves with a representative body politic. You have no right, or reason, to remove any part of Our voice from the State Of Maine. According to our latest census figures Maine grew 4.2%.  That means there are more people in our state to represent. If you successfully change Our State Constitution and limit the representatives in Our Legislature and our state continues to grow the people lose. (HP33) (LD40) and (HP83) (LD97) should never see the house floor. Please research these two proposals, and call Your State Representatives, while you still can. Let them know you value your voice in the state as well as their voice on Our behalf. Another odd proposal in Our State is (HP49) (LD56); this would allow waterfront property owners to fish without a fishing license. I think this could really take away much needed revenue from the State. Not to mention that this group of people has the best access to the water, and the fact that the State stocks these same waters. Mr. Governor shall we cater to the special interests of these few people?

    While Maine has not been an economic powerhouse since the first wave of Fisheries and Forest exploitation, we have always been creative and contributory to our people, and our Nation. We should not want, nor should we seek to ever be the industrial complex of the Ohio River valley. We should not seek to be as large a port city as New york, or Massachusetts. We should seek to keep our identity as a friendly, clean, caring State. A place where you would love to vacation and raise your children. Our slow and measured growth is quite maintainable and acceptable to me. What is the rush to judgment that suddenly we are a jobless State? Compared to the rest of the country Maine has held up fairly well. Most of Our Government's cash flow problems stem from the ridiculous bonds that are passed no matter how many times I vote against them. Responsible legislation would be not to tempt the people with that they cannot afford. People cannot resist temptation, good leaders know this. No more bonds on the ballot until there is real money somewhere. I would be all for repealing many of these dumb wastes of Money. Hey Maine did we really want to finance Dentists? They are after all a private business, and they do well for themselves. The last time I looked everyone was being born with the ability to grow teeth. Where there is need there will be Dentists without Our State's money.
     This National Recovery has been and will be a slow process. Gross, knee-jerk reactions can only exacerbate the problems of Our State. The same forces that robbed America are the 'Business' forces being applied in Our State Government. I agree that our bills as a State must be Paid, and we are in a real mess. But I also believe that the Governor's job is only to figure out how to pay for the government The people of Maine want, not the Government he would like.
                        Have a great day, keep thinking, all the best, Ms. Paula Page

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