What's the matter here? Large deficits looming over the country. Out of control spending. And now the Tax deal reached between Barrack Obama and the Republican Senate, the same group that started all the spending in the first place. This is mind numbing.
So, tax cuts that George W. Bush put in place while his reign was losing jobs, and suffering from "WMD" dementia, are about to expire. The Democraps, wanted to keep a tax cut for the lowest earners while removing a tax cut for the wealthiest. A seemingly sensible course in light of our current federal cash flow problems; all the money flowing out, even borrowed money, and none flowing in. Meanwhile, the Republicons thinking this unfair, and believing that if you tax the richest in a bad economy you will just slow the economy further, wanted, for the first time in almost two years, a compromise. This compromise turns out to be a do nothing strategy where the Bush tax cuts just stay in place and our country amasses mountainous amounts of debt. What are they thinking? What waste of our time and our money, to come up with this glorious inaction. To our leadership, we are simply their asphaltum, if it starts to get a little rough they just repave us.
The proper and only choice in resolving this issue of taxes was to let them all expire. The lowest earners now make so little that even with the increase in tax they would pay about three dollars more out of their pay checks, so little when the country is in such need. Our politicos have become so weak, and worthless, they cannot even ask this country to save itself....
There is more to come today, but Ms. Paula has alot to do. Let's get back to the front!
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