Here we are on the precipice of a New Year, a new State Governor and perhaps, and this one's up to you, a New State. With the new year comes that great implied hope for change or something new, different and not like other years. This year more than any other, Maine will need you to get involved, to stand up, have your voice heard and demand results. When Maine fought for statehood, it was because Mass-o-2-shits would not stop their oppression of our Maine people. Maine was not represented it was controlled. Here we are again, with government telling us what it will do or not do. What it will cut, eliminate and create. I have Had it.
Out of State politics belongs out of state, and the out-of-staters running our state as if they know what is good for Maine is PIG swill. It is still we the people. We pay, and not for what we want, but for what we get. The same lack of representation of the 1800's is here now. Some of this is truly our fault; we have become numb, complacent and disenchanted. We have allowed ourselves to believe the political lie that we, you and I, have done this to ourselves. Beyond our acceptance of Their facts, we are guiltless.
The Government itself has perpetrated The Great America Give-Away. Surrendering us to Corporate America, while Corporate America held us hostage under the threat of Their failure. All the while republicans cried about the redistribution of wealth to the lower classes. They truly left nothing to redistribute. They stole the wealth of the Nation under the guise that their corporate friends should be saved. They convinced us we could save ourselves. Fools we are. Now the same group that stole the money, says "you can not tax us, we create the jobs." Lies. They do not create jobs, they create profit and only that, or they have failed. The only jobs created in the last 5 years have been government make work jobs, Homeland Security and the TSA. Sadly, though in reality, both of these new institutions were created to protect business and not us. Corporate America does not wish to pay for their own protection, or pay taxes. We pay for them. Yet, the Corporate monster spreads its wings round the world grabbing wildly with its claw like talons, seeking only profit, with no responsibility.
Jobs will not fix Maine. A new Governor will not fix Maine. If you want to have a rite-aid, cvs, wal-mart, ding-dong doughnut, or what have you, on every corner, than you can just continue with the old flow of the years gone by. And believe the lie that it will help. You can just stand there and out of the corner of your eye watch Maine disappear, into overdeveloped worthlessness. But I no longer can.
This year have your say, let everyone know, this is your state. You have a right to expect results for what you want. Not what the force will feed you. They will make a lot of excuses this year. There is no excuse for failure. Especially when you are paying the bill. God Bless Maine, and all of us.
Keep your hopes high, your mind sharp, and Have a great New Year.
Wishing you all the best, Ms. Paula Page
On a mission to discover, discuss and disrobe the political clown parade of Politics today.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
"Some Are More Equal Than Others"
There it was staring me right in the face the whole time, The Pigs and Dogs have it really well.
This page title and the pigs and dogs line, for those of you who do not remember, is a reference to the book, Animal Farm, by George Orwell. I am referencing this because what we have for The State Of Maine, is the double standard of the Pigs. If you remember in the story the Pigs deserved all the apples, for their brain work was hard. The Pigs also controlled all the money, to use for the greater good (which turned out to be their greater good). Whenever the Pigs had a desire they changed one of their seven laws ever so slightly, that the animal population did not really notice. Today the Pigs still run the state and the Dogs have all the paying positions in the private state. The private state has changed with the Dogs in charge, the public state has not. No longer do Dog companies offer full pensions, no longer do their companies offer good health benefit packages. Most companies have some form of 401k, which is really just the worker saving money in a gamble that it will increase, or even be there, when that imaginary day of retirement comes. The Dogs companies have lousy overpriced health care offerings for their employees, where the employee shells out more than half of their earnings for marginal benefits, with high out-of-pocket costs on top of high deductibles.The Dogs also seek and get many tax breaks from the Pigs, who have always been thankful for the Dogs.
The State worker, the Public worker, the Administration, almost without exception make more in salary and benefits, than their private state counter parts. Why is this? Is it justifiable? What do you think? Perhaps at one point, we, the state, thought it was the model for business to follow. Perhaps at one point we followed an old business model. But that model is dead. In the private state only executive Dogswine get the benefits they deserve for their brain work. In the private state business uses outside contractors and independent sources for much of its labor to reduce cost and liability. In this way, the private state has power to negotiate its contracts, always reaching a lower price; thus a satisfactory outcome. Our state needs to find ways to create jobs with our tax money. I say contract out the work to the people in the state. Let more Dogs in. Why does the state need to pay a $40,000 salary plus benefits to a photographer in the state's employ? Are there no photographers willing to take the state's call, when it's picture day? Why must all the plowing be state trucks on state runs? Are they better, more capable of doing the job right? Are the state plows cheaper to run? Probably not.
The state has actually sucked away the jobs for itself. It only wants to invest in itself as well. Take for example, investments in subsidized housing. We artificially lower the rent, so the private sector does not have to pay the employee enough to rent. We pay the rent for them through the state taxes instead. Yet we already gave the low interest loan to the private LLC to build this beautiful new low cost housing unit. The Dog makes money, The Pig gets fat and Human Services keeps their low income clients. We get hit three times for this. Our money is continually wasted.
Another example, we have a huge mental hospital, Dorothea Dix (BMHI), which costs millions to heat, has minimal clients, could never ever turn a profit as a private business, and we pay state employees to run it with huge benefit packages. The Dogs would never own it. These things, and many other examples of this kind of thinking need to be addressed. We need to get some share of those apples back from the Pigs. Let's start saving the state money by creating a private, competitive jobs market. Everything from Accounting and Labor to Photographer and Priest should be outsourced by the state, to the state. No other business really tries to pay a livable wage. Why should we? Well it's all something to think about.
Talk to you soon, Ms. Paula Page
This page title and the pigs and dogs line, for those of you who do not remember, is a reference to the book, Animal Farm, by George Orwell. I am referencing this because what we have for The State Of Maine, is the double standard of the Pigs. If you remember in the story the Pigs deserved all the apples, for their brain work was hard. The Pigs also controlled all the money, to use for the greater good (which turned out to be their greater good). Whenever the Pigs had a desire they changed one of their seven laws ever so slightly, that the animal population did not really notice. Today the Pigs still run the state and the Dogs have all the paying positions in the private state. The private state has changed with the Dogs in charge, the public state has not. No longer do Dog companies offer full pensions, no longer do their companies offer good health benefit packages. Most companies have some form of 401k, which is really just the worker saving money in a gamble that it will increase, or even be there, when that imaginary day of retirement comes. The Dogs companies have lousy overpriced health care offerings for their employees, where the employee shells out more than half of their earnings for marginal benefits, with high out-of-pocket costs on top of high deductibles.The Dogs also seek and get many tax breaks from the Pigs, who have always been thankful for the Dogs.
The State worker, the Public worker, the Administration, almost without exception make more in salary and benefits, than their private state counter parts. Why is this? Is it justifiable? What do you think? Perhaps at one point, we, the state, thought it was the model for business to follow. Perhaps at one point we followed an old business model. But that model is dead. In the private state only executive Dogswine get the benefits they deserve for their brain work. In the private state business uses outside contractors and independent sources for much of its labor to reduce cost and liability. In this way, the private state has power to negotiate its contracts, always reaching a lower price; thus a satisfactory outcome. Our state needs to find ways to create jobs with our tax money. I say contract out the work to the people in the state. Let more Dogs in. Why does the state need to pay a $40,000 salary plus benefits to a photographer in the state's employ? Are there no photographers willing to take the state's call, when it's picture day? Why must all the plowing be state trucks on state runs? Are they better, more capable of doing the job right? Are the state plows cheaper to run? Probably not.
The state has actually sucked away the jobs for itself. It only wants to invest in itself as well. Take for example, investments in subsidized housing. We artificially lower the rent, so the private sector does not have to pay the employee enough to rent. We pay the rent for them through the state taxes instead. Yet we already gave the low interest loan to the private LLC to build this beautiful new low cost housing unit. The Dog makes money, The Pig gets fat and Human Services keeps their low income clients. We get hit three times for this. Our money is continually wasted.
Another example, we have a huge mental hospital, Dorothea Dix (BMHI), which costs millions to heat, has minimal clients, could never ever turn a profit as a private business, and we pay state employees to run it with huge benefit packages. The Dogs would never own it. These things, and many other examples of this kind of thinking need to be addressed. We need to get some share of those apples back from the Pigs. Let's start saving the state money by creating a private, competitive jobs market. Everything from Accounting and Labor to Photographer and Priest should be outsourced by the state, to the state. No other business really tries to pay a livable wage. Why should we? Well it's all something to think about.
Talk to you soon, Ms. Paula Page
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Our Hopes Must Change
"God bless us everyone," I hope that you have found the spirit of Christmas in your
hearts and homes this season. As we head into a new year, I can only
hope that you see some of the responsibilities our great nation faces.
We need to pay our bills. I know it will hurt; it hurts more the longer
it is put off. Our nation can not afford to be a debtor society, where
through fear of collapse the rest of the world follows our lead. We must
always lead by example. The examples of freedom, liberty and justice
come to mind. To be free, our obligations must be met. To exercise our
liberty, our obligations must be met. For any justice in this great
country to be fair and equitable we must pay our debt. The Greater world
is closing in, taking a hard look and exercising their influence for
their desired outcome. The time is now, 2011. We need to cut ourselves
back. Take inventory so to speak. Get spending on unfunded items
removed. Get out of the Global Security business. Be a partner to the
world, not its dictator at large. Take back our control of our nation
for our people. Corporate America needs to decide if they are American
companies that bring jobs and money home, thusly enjoying our
protection. Or, if not, they need to get out from under our wings, stop
free-riding on US, and move to their respective Chinese base camp. Now
is the time. Show the America that is proud, strong and true. Stand up,
wake up and be. We the people have a say. Don't let your right to that
go away. Pray, think, feel, act and love, but hold our politicos
responsible. For that they are. HAPPY NEW YEAR. I'm praying for US.
Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page
Thursday, December 23, 2010
So This Is Christmas, and We're Welcome
Christmas came early for Lauren, King Paul's 22 year old daughter, as she will be moving to the Blaine House, and has been hired as a staff worker by the state. Her pay will be justified, during this hiring freeze, by the cuts to the pay of the clerk and secretary that we spoke of on an earlier page. No, this was not nepotism, this was necessary. Lovely. Yes, Christmas is here. Not soon enough for the states that are running out of money and in need of retail sales taxes to pay bills. Christmas to our state has got to be the largest economic indicator of the populations well doing. If the numbers are low we are in worse trouble then we thought. If the numbers are high, we will predict a coming out of crisis, and a new projected revenue surplus. "Ah yes," Christmas must be lovely at the State offices. New tax numbers project our economic growth, they do not however represent people feeling they must do for others to the point of serious debt; Or the reality that the State is completely broke, living on its credit card that is rapidly increasing in interest, while losing in debt limit. Merry Christmas.
Now on a serious note, it is Christmas in Maine. There are many people this year who despite their hard work and personal giving find themselves in a rough patch of the woods. These particular people are not the free riders of society. No, they are the workers, the neighbors, friends and relatives of us all. Through work shortages, stoppages, bankruptcy, layoffs and closings, these people have little to be thankful for and the holidays can cause a lot of extra stress. If any of you know someone in any of these categories please go out of your way to help them have a Merry Christmas. Let them know that miracles do happen. Let them know they are not alone, that they will make it through. What ever help you can honestly give, Give. Not your money, necessarily, but your compassion, your prayers. Maine cares about friends and neighbors. Lets not forget them as we head of into this Blessed season.
To the Christless amongst us, Happy Holidays, and read your Bible. To the rest of you, have a Merry Christmas, be safe and spread love and joy to the world.
All the best to you always, Ms. Paula Page
Now on a serious note, it is Christmas in Maine. There are many people this year who despite their hard work and personal giving find themselves in a rough patch of the woods. These particular people are not the free riders of society. No, they are the workers, the neighbors, friends and relatives of us all. Through work shortages, stoppages, bankruptcy, layoffs and closings, these people have little to be thankful for and the holidays can cause a lot of extra stress. If any of you know someone in any of these categories please go out of your way to help them have a Merry Christmas. Let them know that miracles do happen. Let them know they are not alone, that they will make it through. What ever help you can honestly give, Give. Not your money, necessarily, but your compassion, your prayers. Maine cares about friends and neighbors. Lets not forget them as we head of into this Blessed season.
To the Christless amongst us, Happy Holidays, and read your Bible. To the rest of you, have a Merry Christmas, be safe and spread love and joy to the world.
All the best to you always, Ms. Paula Page
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Mr. Lepage What We Have Here is Overpayment.
Ms. Paula visited a rather startling site today. The site was full of horrific numbers, and positions and departments and pay. Something titled , c 2009 The Maine Heritage Policy Center. On this site we all can see the cost to the State of Maine, by the State of Maine. The horrific thing is what we pay to ourselves in wages and benefits, that is if you work for the state, instead of paying for the state. I only looked at this page for a little while before my eyes began to blister. With very little investigation, one probably shouldn't make large and assuming statements, but I am about to. Looking at a record of 15,847 Maine employees, we paid a total of $532,949,052 in regular wages. We paid out another $16,185,390 in overtime wages, and a mind numbing $345,596,246 in benefits. Dividing the total expense by the number of workers on this page Ms. Paula comes up with $56,460.50 per unit of labor. Very costly, when we consider that many of these people are part time workers.
Here are a few wild examples of our state: Career Center Consultant, $66,295 in wages, $30,754 in benefits (the guy you go talk to when you are unemployed and seeking work through our career centers). Guess he Found the right job. For a total of $97,049 I could pay three of me and still have change.
How about this one: a Recreation Therapist at Dorothea Dix Psychiatric (BMHI): her total haul of your money $81,598. Not bad. Could you teach someone how to play for that kind of money?
Another wonderful thing I noticed was the fact that there are many, many, way too many Public Service Managers. On the state list, all departments have one, two, three and more and their salaries with benefits, around $130,000. Again not bad. You manage a bunch of over paid state workers who really don't want to lose their job. Sit back, smoke a cigar, oh right its not the 80's. Well go home for lunch, visit with the wife, you know spread the love, and don't bother coming back, you're really not necessary. There are thousands of examples of absurdity on the above mentioned web site, but do not go there if you have a weak heart or a quick temper.
The way I see it Paul, lets start the cuts right at the problem, in the problem. Why cut services first? People we get rid of will need them. We should begin with rewriting jobs, firing the over paid, as their job will no longer exist with a rewrite, and rehiring with no benefit package. Instant saving, both short and long term. Don't you agree? I'm sure you do.
Total expenditure for this page: priceless
Total jobs created by this page: none
Total benefits: you, your comments and thoughts.
Thank you for your time, Ms. Paula Page
Here are a few wild examples of our state: Career Center Consultant, $66,295 in wages, $30,754 in benefits (the guy you go talk to when you are unemployed and seeking work through our career centers). Guess he Found the right job. For a total of $97,049 I could pay three of me and still have change.
How about this one: a Recreation Therapist at Dorothea Dix Psychiatric (BMHI): her total haul of your money $81,598. Not bad. Could you teach someone how to play for that kind of money?
Another wonderful thing I noticed was the fact that there are many, many, way too many Public Service Managers. On the state list, all departments have one, two, three and more and their salaries with benefits, around $130,000. Again not bad. You manage a bunch of over paid state workers who really don't want to lose their job. Sit back, smoke a cigar, oh right its not the 80's. Well go home for lunch, visit with the wife, you know spread the love, and don't bother coming back, you're really not necessary. There are thousands of examples of absurdity on the above mentioned web site, but do not go there if you have a weak heart or a quick temper.
The way I see it Paul, lets start the cuts right at the problem, in the problem. Why cut services first? People we get rid of will need them. We should begin with rewriting jobs, firing the over paid, as their job will no longer exist with a rewrite, and rehiring with no benefit package. Instant saving, both short and long term. Don't you agree? I'm sure you do.
Total expenditure for this page: priceless
Total jobs created by this page: none
Total benefits: you, your comments and thoughts.
Thank you for your time, Ms. Paula Page
Monday, December 20, 2010
The complex rules could keep Paul in check.
It is said "we don't make the rules we just have to play by them." Well King Paul thinks the rules are too complex, so much so that he wants to have legislators bring him the rules whenever they write a bill.
I am wondering if this is so he personally can rewrite the rules. Well, that is not the governor's job. The Governor either signs a piece of legislation or does not sign it. If King Paul wants to write the bills that come before the governor, perhaps he should have run for a state seat, representative Lepage sounds better anyway. In the Portland Press Herald article Lepage: Rules too complex, by Susan Cover today, Lepage is quoted as saying "If you want me to sign a bill, show me the rules and regulations, everything, and I will sign it."
Well I say to my fellow legislators keep these rules hard and tight and by all means complex, for the last thing we need is King Paul passing any laws without rules. Paul, every law is a rule. We don't call them rules though because they are more complex, and often times law requires a little more study than a simple rule. Regulation has only gotten more complex because business always find a way around a law. It has never been the people finding away around the law. We submit, we pay our taxes or lose our house. On the other hand, business goes more like "we put arsenic in the ground water? No we didn't." Then comes the good one "prove it," which is the start of the business just sucking away state resources as we spend to defend ourselves from poison. Last, comes the business generated report, "that the arsenic while at very high levels, and not previously noted, is natural and was always there." Lovely. That my friends is a sample of typical business. Without regulation, rules if King Paul likes the term better, not only will we be the lowest paid workers in the Northeast (which we are), we will be the most polluted and corrupt State. I'm all for Liberty and truly want more of it, but I'm not ready to let King Paul give his business cronies a free pass, to ride Maine into the ground, for their 'liberty without the rules'.
Well, I have to go, be back soon to finish this up and make it coherent, Please, have a good day, thanks, Ms. Paula Page
I am wondering if this is so he personally can rewrite the rules. Well, that is not the governor's job. The Governor either signs a piece of legislation or does not sign it. If King Paul wants to write the bills that come before the governor, perhaps he should have run for a state seat, representative Lepage sounds better anyway. In the Portland Press Herald article Lepage: Rules too complex, by Susan Cover today, Lepage is quoted as saying "If you want me to sign a bill, show me the rules and regulations, everything, and I will sign it."
Well I say to my fellow legislators keep these rules hard and tight and by all means complex, for the last thing we need is King Paul passing any laws without rules. Paul, every law is a rule. We don't call them rules though because they are more complex, and often times law requires a little more study than a simple rule. Regulation has only gotten more complex because business always find a way around a law. It has never been the people finding away around the law. We submit, we pay our taxes or lose our house. On the other hand, business goes more like "we put arsenic in the ground water? No we didn't." Then comes the good one "prove it," which is the start of the business just sucking away state resources as we spend to defend ourselves from poison. Last, comes the business generated report, "that the arsenic while at very high levels, and not previously noted, is natural and was always there." Lovely. That my friends is a sample of typical business. Without regulation, rules if King Paul likes the term better, not only will we be the lowest paid workers in the Northeast (which we are), we will be the most polluted and corrupt State. I'm all for Liberty and truly want more of it, but I'm not ready to let King Paul give his business cronies a free pass, to ride Maine into the ground, for their 'liberty without the rules'.
Well, I have to go, be back soon to finish this up and make it coherent, Please, have a good day, thanks, Ms. Paula Page
Friday, December 17, 2010
Tough Questions For Paul Lepage At Lyman Moore
While reading the article, Lepage Fields Tough Questions At School, in the Morning Sentinel, by Kelley Bouchard,, Ms. Paula was startled by the statement that The state of Utah only spends $5,706 per pupil in their education system, while Maine spends $11,644 per student.
How could the discrepancy be so great? Are we really wasting that many resources? Well, Ms. Paula had to find out. Here is the truth according to the Utah state government, and the Maine state government. Utah in its most recent release of figures 2007-08 spent $8,224.00 per student. Up 111% since 1970. Maine in its latest release of figures 2008-09 spent $9,625 per student an increase of 2.5% over the last report. That brings the State of Maine within $1401 of Utah in its per student spending. Utah's total spending for education for the year reported was $4.42 Billion, while Maine's Total spending for education was $1.4 Billion.
Comparing these two states is ridiculous. Maine Ranks among the lowest in the nation with its per student spending. Maine is also the lowest spender in the northeast. I suggest that whom ever is giving King Paul his relevant data, supply him with relevant data sets. We are moving forward in a new administration that will need to find cuts everywhere, so please lets be sure to get the facts straight.
These facts came from:
Here is an update to this entry Sunday, Dec. 19th by: Ms. Paula Page, for some reason the link above now sends you to a Maine government page and the relevant page has been moved to the 2006-2007 document. Why? This link was in the right place and worked after the posting of this article. Now the State of Maine has hidden the 2008-2009 info in the wrong year. Well, here is the new link for this page: . Thank you, Mike for letting us know about this sudden change in state file placement.
To Ms. Paula education is all Maine has left to give it's children, even if they up and leave the state after we educate them. They become our ambassadors, for they are us.
Well, for today, I say "Be, think, Do" all of Maine depends upon you.
Bye for now, Ms. Paula
How could the discrepancy be so great? Are we really wasting that many resources? Well, Ms. Paula had to find out. Here is the truth according to the Utah state government, and the Maine state government. Utah in its most recent release of figures 2007-08 spent $8,224.00 per student. Up 111% since 1970. Maine in its latest release of figures 2008-09 spent $9,625 per student an increase of 2.5% over the last report. That brings the State of Maine within $1401 of Utah in its per student spending. Utah's total spending for education for the year reported was $4.42 Billion, while Maine's Total spending for education was $1.4 Billion.
Comparing these two states is ridiculous. Maine Ranks among the lowest in the nation with its per student spending. Maine is also the lowest spender in the northeast. I suggest that whom ever is giving King Paul his relevant data, supply him with relevant data sets. We are moving forward in a new administration that will need to find cuts everywhere, so please lets be sure to get the facts straight.
These facts came from:
Here is an update to this entry Sunday, Dec. 19th by: Ms. Paula Page, for some reason the link above now sends you to a Maine government page and the relevant page has been moved to the 2006-2007 document. Why? This link was in the right place and worked after the posting of this article. Now the State of Maine has hidden the 2008-2009 info in the wrong year. Well, here is the new link for this page: . Thank you, Mike for letting us know about this sudden change in state file placement.
To Ms. Paula education is all Maine has left to give it's children, even if they up and leave the state after we educate them. They become our ambassadors, for they are us.
Well, for today, I say "Be, think, Do" all of Maine depends upon you.
Bye for now, Ms. Paula
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Labor and Business in the same room?
Now that the "people before politics" campaign is over, the republican majority is set to move. First on the agenda seems to be the removal of the Standing Committee on Labor. Or as the republicans put it 'Labor will be combined with the Business, Research and Economic Development Committee.' It depends on who you listen to. According to Republican Senate Majority Leader, Jonathan Courtney, "it's too soon to say what it will look like, but we are going to be inclusive of both sides of the aisle."
The Labor committee has always been the voice of the working people of Maine. Labor deals with issues like unemployment and workers compensation, along with many other issues. Paula is pretty sure they deal with Unions as well. Phil Harriman on WGAN Eye on Politics, with Ken & Mike said," Labor was always a consternation." Labor has always fought business, it always will, they are separate interests. One wants to make money for its work, and more money if you please. The other wants to make money off the work, off the product or service, off the taxes, at all cost, for no cost if you please. You can decide which is which. Labor is a cost of business. Hence, unit of labor. Product is a cost of business. Profit is economic development and research paying business back. The cost of business will always take a back seat to the profit of business.
On a related note, there are savings by reducing committees while not great, they exist, it will only cost a clerk job here a secretary job there. Which according to calculations on another page here somewhere comes out to about $80,000 for each position. So, while we can not get rid of the legislature, yet, we can save money in the state by cutting jobs. We've already seen this is good for business, that is if the State of Maine needs to show a profit. Well perhaps it is too early to see how this will pan out. But for me all this waiting for a shave and a haircut by King Paul is making me itch.
We will talk again soon, all the best, Paula Page
The Labor committee has always been the voice of the working people of Maine. Labor deals with issues like unemployment and workers compensation, along with many other issues. Paula is pretty sure they deal with Unions as well. Phil Harriman on WGAN Eye on Politics, with Ken & Mike said," Labor was always a consternation." Labor has always fought business, it always will, they are separate interests. One wants to make money for its work, and more money if you please. The other wants to make money off the work, off the product or service, off the taxes, at all cost, for no cost if you please. You can decide which is which. Labor is a cost of business. Hence, unit of labor. Product is a cost of business. Profit is economic development and research paying business back. The cost of business will always take a back seat to the profit of business.
On a related note, there are savings by reducing committees while not great, they exist, it will only cost a clerk job here a secretary job there. Which according to calculations on another page here somewhere comes out to about $80,000 for each position. So, while we can not get rid of the legislature, yet, we can save money in the state by cutting jobs. We've already seen this is good for business, that is if the State of Maine needs to show a profit. Well perhaps it is too early to see how this will pan out. But for me all this waiting for a shave and a haircut by King Paul is making me itch.
We will talk again soon, all the best, Paula Page
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Govenor John Elias Baldacci, And The Replacements
Well, with the coronation of King Paul set for January 5th, it seems only fitting that we should take a moment to pay homage to the leaving Lord of Maine, John Baldacci. Our 73rd governor of Maine. Lord John was born in Bangor, Maine, January 30th, 1955. He began his political career at the ripe age of 23, when, he was elected to the city council of Bangor. Lord John went on to serve in the state senate and the congress, before taking the Blaine House in 2002. His career in politics spans 32 years.
Now it appears he will head off into the shadow of old Lord Angus and practice the art of Renewable energy. Lord Baldacci has hatched a plan with brother Bob, to start chasing the wind and water for dollars. Lord Angus King, our 72nd govenor is already out there on the wind and water line. Something tells me insiders must have a sure thing on the renewable energy front. Oh, that's right they write the legislation. Must be nice to make the connections and the laws, and then go make the money.
When Lord Baldacci took over the State of Maine, we had a Budget gap of $1.2 billion and now we have a budget gap of $840 million with $50 million in reserves. Under Lord John, The state created Dirigo, not the motto, the health insurance program. Dirigo at its best had 15,000 clients though it was hoped to insure 150,000. Turns out, Dirigo "led the way" to expensive. He also started school consolidation. The original layout was to reduce the number of school districts to 26 from the startling number of 290. While there has been some progress and some painful savings, the number of school administration districts is only down to 179. Lord John also started a program for the free riding businesses of Maine, The Pine Tree Zones, where economically depressed areas of the state are labeled and any business willing to relocate, or start business gets large tax breaks. The numbers on this program are: 309 companies in the zones, 219 of them are manufacturing businesses and the total employment is 8,209 people. The payroll totals: $341 million. It was a start, to something, I think it's called corporate welfare, but who am I. When we give tax breaks to business, we the people of Maine, have to pay the infrastructure costs. Our Department of Transportation is $270 million short in their budget for next year. Any corporate donations would be greatly appreciated.
The one thing Lord Baldacci tried to do that I have not mentioned is ram same sex marriage down the back door of Augusta. The people voted, said no. Created civil unions. Not enough. So, without a court order to do so Lord John just goes ahead and signs legislation to legalize same sex marriage. While it might have been a legacy move, you know leave them with something to remember me by, it did not go over well. Remember John? The people stood up and stopped it with petition, referendum, and ballot. Although we voted down the Turnpike widening, many times, and somehow they did it anyway. All things being what they are, John Elias Baldacci, has been a good govenor for the State of Maine. He was dealt a bad hand from the start, yet he never raised taxes. He is leaving the State in a better condition fiscally than he found it. I'm sure he'd like to say your welcome King Paul. But he won't.
So, as you sunset your political career, and settle down as Lord John, of renewable electric, think fondly of your days, know that you did your best. Thank you John Elias Baldacci.
P.S. please leave Paul a primer, or at least a sticky note. For deconstruction is about to commence in blind fashion. Everyone will be working soon, but for $6.50 an hour, a half hour lunch, no overtime and medicare insurance, with no corporate taxes, just you wait and see.
Now it appears he will head off into the shadow of old Lord Angus and practice the art of Renewable energy. Lord Baldacci has hatched a plan with brother Bob, to start chasing the wind and water for dollars. Lord Angus King, our 72nd govenor is already out there on the wind and water line. Something tells me insiders must have a sure thing on the renewable energy front. Oh, that's right they write the legislation. Must be nice to make the connections and the laws, and then go make the money.
When Lord Baldacci took over the State of Maine, we had a Budget gap of $1.2 billion and now we have a budget gap of $840 million with $50 million in reserves. Under Lord John, The state created Dirigo, not the motto, the health insurance program. Dirigo at its best had 15,000 clients though it was hoped to insure 150,000. Turns out, Dirigo "led the way" to expensive. He also started school consolidation. The original layout was to reduce the number of school districts to 26 from the startling number of 290. While there has been some progress and some painful savings, the number of school administration districts is only down to 179. Lord John also started a program for the free riding businesses of Maine, The Pine Tree Zones, where economically depressed areas of the state are labeled and any business willing to relocate, or start business gets large tax breaks. The numbers on this program are: 309 companies in the zones, 219 of them are manufacturing businesses and the total employment is 8,209 people. The payroll totals: $341 million. It was a start, to something, I think it's called corporate welfare, but who am I. When we give tax breaks to business, we the people of Maine, have to pay the infrastructure costs. Our Department of Transportation is $270 million short in their budget for next year. Any corporate donations would be greatly appreciated.
The one thing Lord Baldacci tried to do that I have not mentioned is ram same sex marriage down the back door of Augusta. The people voted, said no. Created civil unions. Not enough. So, without a court order to do so Lord John just goes ahead and signs legislation to legalize same sex marriage. While it might have been a legacy move, you know leave them with something to remember me by, it did not go over well. Remember John? The people stood up and stopped it with petition, referendum, and ballot. Although we voted down the Turnpike widening, many times, and somehow they did it anyway. All things being what they are, John Elias Baldacci, has been a good govenor for the State of Maine. He was dealt a bad hand from the start, yet he never raised taxes. He is leaving the State in a better condition fiscally than he found it. I'm sure he'd like to say your welcome King Paul. But he won't.
So, as you sunset your political career, and settle down as Lord John, of renewable electric, think fondly of your days, know that you did your best. Thank you John Elias Baldacci.
P.S. please leave Paul a primer, or at least a sticky note. For deconstruction is about to commence in blind fashion. Everyone will be working soon, but for $6.50 an hour, a half hour lunch, no overtime and medicare insurance, with no corporate taxes, just you wait and see.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Democrates whine, while GOP spends away. Role reversale?
What's the matter here? Large deficits looming over the country. Out of control spending. And now the Tax deal reached between Barrack Obama and the Republican Senate, the same group that started all the spending in the first place. This is mind numbing.
So, tax cuts that George W. Bush put in place while his reign was losing jobs, and suffering from "WMD" dementia, are about to expire. The Democraps, wanted to keep a tax cut for the lowest earners while removing a tax cut for the wealthiest. A seemingly sensible course in light of our current federal cash flow problems; all the money flowing out, even borrowed money, and none flowing in. Meanwhile, the Republicons thinking this unfair, and believing that if you tax the richest in a bad economy you will just slow the economy further, wanted, for the first time in almost two years, a compromise. This compromise turns out to be a do nothing strategy where the Bush tax cuts just stay in place and our country amasses mountainous amounts of debt. What are they thinking? What waste of our time and our money, to come up with this glorious inaction. To our leadership, we are simply their asphaltum, if it starts to get a little rough they just repave us.
The proper and only choice in resolving this issue of taxes was to let them all expire. The lowest earners now make so little that even with the increase in tax they would pay about three dollars more out of their pay checks, so little when the country is in such need. Our politicos have become so weak, and worthless, they cannot even ask this country to save itself....
There is more to come today, but Ms. Paula has alot to do. Let's get back to the front!
So, tax cuts that George W. Bush put in place while his reign was losing jobs, and suffering from "WMD" dementia, are about to expire. The Democraps, wanted to keep a tax cut for the lowest earners while removing a tax cut for the wealthiest. A seemingly sensible course in light of our current federal cash flow problems; all the money flowing out, even borrowed money, and none flowing in. Meanwhile, the Republicons thinking this unfair, and believing that if you tax the richest in a bad economy you will just slow the economy further, wanted, for the first time in almost two years, a compromise. This compromise turns out to be a do nothing strategy where the Bush tax cuts just stay in place and our country amasses mountainous amounts of debt. What are they thinking? What waste of our time and our money, to come up with this glorious inaction. To our leadership, we are simply their asphaltum, if it starts to get a little rough they just repave us.
The proper and only choice in resolving this issue of taxes was to let them all expire. The lowest earners now make so little that even with the increase in tax they would pay about three dollars more out of their pay checks, so little when the country is in such need. Our politicos have become so weak, and worthless, they cannot even ask this country to save itself....
There is more to come today, but Ms. Paula has alot to do. Let's get back to the front!
Friday, December 10, 2010
A goverment that works together, keeps a country from falling apart.
Good morning shareholders. Today we will discuss our failing systems, and our waring factions.
Let's first envision ourselves in charge of a large corporation. Now, we should hire two groups of people to come up with ideas for our product, the marketing of our product, the distribution of our product, and last but not least, the protection of content and quality of our product. As to the management of the corporation, we shall appoint from among these two groups the best financial officers we may find. These officers shall at their discretion, on our behalf allocate funds appropriate to our cause: which henceforth shall be known as Us. All of the decisions made by the groups shall be made as one group: which henceforth the two groups shall be, The group. We, US, as owners of the company retain and exercise our exclusive right to make and manage all final decisions without exception.
This group of people we hire should have a great range of ideas. They should be able to think independently, though not for themselves as this would not benefit our corporation. This group should be able to meet and work as a cohesive unit where our interests are concerned. The group shall always have to listen to and answer to US, for when they do not there is no longer a corporation, but a mutinous anarchy, which is unacceptable to US.
The unacceptable clause is what brings us here today. Our group continues to call itself groups, i.e. Democrats and Republican, never ceding to the group. Our group has continually run against itself and US. Our group continues to waste money on its posturing, position and ego, with no thought of US. No work is done in the interest of US. Work has become to the group, them; of them, for them, by them. Our company is at risk from being taken over from outside while the group consumes US from within.
As a minor shareholder in Us I cannot make our decisions, but suggest, I must. An emergency meeting of the shareholders should convene at once. Our board should look at the complete removal of the entire group. We cannot afford to argue amongst ourselves as the group has done, for our resources are running low. In an attempt to save US, we must cut the group from our guts and move forward. Better more capable people are available, people who will not lose sight of US. People who understand that the group is part and parcel US. The cost of a complete impeachment and removal of the group is far less than the cost of continuing business as usual, for all usual business is a considerable loss for US.
Thank you for your consideration on this matter before US.
Ms. Paula Page
Let's first envision ourselves in charge of a large corporation. Now, we should hire two groups of people to come up with ideas for our product, the marketing of our product, the distribution of our product, and last but not least, the protection of content and quality of our product. As to the management of the corporation, we shall appoint from among these two groups the best financial officers we may find. These officers shall at their discretion, on our behalf allocate funds appropriate to our cause: which henceforth shall be known as Us. All of the decisions made by the groups shall be made as one group: which henceforth the two groups shall be, The group. We, US, as owners of the company retain and exercise our exclusive right to make and manage all final decisions without exception.
This group of people we hire should have a great range of ideas. They should be able to think independently, though not for themselves as this would not benefit our corporation. This group should be able to meet and work as a cohesive unit where our interests are concerned. The group shall always have to listen to and answer to US, for when they do not there is no longer a corporation, but a mutinous anarchy, which is unacceptable to US.
The unacceptable clause is what brings us here today. Our group continues to call itself groups, i.e. Democrats and Republican, never ceding to the group. Our group has continually run against itself and US. Our group continues to waste money on its posturing, position and ego, with no thought of US. No work is done in the interest of US. Work has become to the group, them; of them, for them, by them. Our company is at risk from being taken over from outside while the group consumes US from within.
As a minor shareholder in Us I cannot make our decisions, but suggest, I must. An emergency meeting of the shareholders should convene at once. Our board should look at the complete removal of the entire group. We cannot afford to argue amongst ourselves as the group has done, for our resources are running low. In an attempt to save US, we must cut the group from our guts and move forward. Better more capable people are available, people who will not lose sight of US. People who understand that the group is part and parcel US. The cost of a complete impeachment and removal of the group is far less than the cost of continuing business as usual, for all usual business is a considerable loss for US.
Thank you for your consideration on this matter before US.
Ms. Paula Page
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Mitch McConnell, Republicon's #1 job, "make sure Obama is not reelected"
Yes My friends, Republican Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said, the Republican's number one job this year is to make sure that President Barrack Obama is not elected to a second term.
In other words Mitch, does not care about jobs, economy, deficits, wars, or you. His only thought is how to stop any progress in the United States from taking place. Deliberately undermining this country. This is treasonous. To obstruct, denigrate, and ignore the work and will of the people is not senatorial, indeed it is criminal. On this comment alone he should be removed from the senate. Yet, there he sits, in his competent ignorance. What does the Republican clown parade do for this country? Dancing around in silly costume, and creating sound bites for sale, they ignore us. Our country is serious business and in serious trouble. We are in very defining, and trying times. The Republicon gaming should cease, real work should begin.
Consider this, the last time the Republicans went to work we had George W. Bush. He went to two wars with our credit card. Charging the nation for his every whim and fancy. The only jobs created, the make work jobs of: Homeland security and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Both of these projects counted to the republicans as creating jobs; both of these, as unfunded as the Wars. Then, instead of asking Corporate America, and/or those who could help pay for their protection, the Republicans give them giant tax breaks. This was my friends to woo us into silent submissive security. Well someone has to pay sometime and it appears it will not be the Republicans, or Corporate America. No, with this Republican clown parade, we can rest assured it will be you, me and everybody, who no longer have a voice or representation in America.
May God Bless us and keep us safe for God is truly all we have left to trust.
Ms. Paula Page
In other words Mitch, does not care about jobs, economy, deficits, wars, or you. His only thought is how to stop any progress in the United States from taking place. Deliberately undermining this country. This is treasonous. To obstruct, denigrate, and ignore the work and will of the people is not senatorial, indeed it is criminal. On this comment alone he should be removed from the senate. Yet, there he sits, in his competent ignorance. What does the Republican clown parade do for this country? Dancing around in silly costume, and creating sound bites for sale, they ignore us. Our country is serious business and in serious trouble. We are in very defining, and trying times. The Republicon gaming should cease, real work should begin.
Consider this, the last time the Republicans went to work we had George W. Bush. He went to two wars with our credit card. Charging the nation for his every whim and fancy. The only jobs created, the make work jobs of: Homeland security and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Both of these projects counted to the republicans as creating jobs; both of these, as unfunded as the Wars. Then, instead of asking Corporate America, and/or those who could help pay for their protection, the Republicans give them giant tax breaks. This was my friends to woo us into silent submissive security. Well someone has to pay sometime and it appears it will not be the Republicans, or Corporate America. No, with this Republican clown parade, we can rest assured it will be you, me and everybody, who no longer have a voice or representation in America.
May God Bless us and keep us safe for God is truly all we have left to trust.
Ms. Paula Page
Monday, December 6, 2010
How sweet the sound of salary cuts. The Truth?
The State of Maine announced that pay cuts to staffers have been made. While there is a truth to this, it appears that only the Secretary of the Senate, and the Clerk of the House have taken a pay cut. Great news, right? Please consider this: their respective salaries had been approximately $115,000 each, per year.This cut will apparently will save us $70,000 a year. Yet, this secretary and this clerk will each make $80,000 a year. This is the new approximate salary for these positions. How many secretaries and how many clerks make $80,000 per year? Not Very many I'm sure. Here are a few statistics:
* a Secretary to a chief executive- 25th% avg. pay is $57,357 nation wide, the high pay or 90th% is $86,629.
* a Legal Secretary 3- 25th% avg. pay is $43,255 nation wide, the high pay or 90th% is $61,957
* a Clerk at paralegal level- 25% avg. pay is $41,261 nation wide, the high pay or 90th% is $59,786
(* according to my
These stats lead me to think that the pay rate for the state workers is very high compared to the rest of the nation. That though a pay cut may have taken place, it is not nearly enough.
Also, all of the Administration, top to bottom should be subjects of a massive pay cut immediately. This is the most sensible place to start. Then as the State of Maine begins to work down the list of cuts, we will have any savings from payroll cuts to reallocate if necessary.
I also believe that John Baldacci's state hiring freeze should remain in effect. The truth really seems to be that the state has always been able to create jobs for the state with our money. But, more people working in state offices does not pay the bills. State jobs drain off money for education and infrastructure. This resession has shown that all companies can do more with less, corporate profits are way up, employees way down. Pay rates, down even further.
Well that is all for now, Ms. Paula has a headache, bye
* a Secretary to a chief executive- 25th% avg. pay is $57,357 nation wide, the high pay or 90th% is $86,629.
* a Legal Secretary 3- 25th% avg. pay is $43,255 nation wide, the high pay or 90th% is $61,957
* a Clerk at paralegal level- 25% avg. pay is $41,261 nation wide, the high pay or 90th% is $59,786
(* according to my
These stats lead me to think that the pay rate for the state workers is very high compared to the rest of the nation. That though a pay cut may have taken place, it is not nearly enough.
Also, all of the Administration, top to bottom should be subjects of a massive pay cut immediately. This is the most sensible place to start. Then as the State of Maine begins to work down the list of cuts, we will have any savings from payroll cuts to reallocate if necessary.
I also believe that John Baldacci's state hiring freeze should remain in effect. The truth really seems to be that the state has always been able to create jobs for the state with our money. But, more people working in state offices does not pay the bills. State jobs drain off money for education and infrastructure. This resession has shown that all companies can do more with less, corporate profits are way up, employees way down. Pay rates, down even further.
Well that is all for now, Ms. Paula has a headache, bye
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Lepage helps with breakfast out of the trunk
In a bid to prove cost cutting can happen in Augusta, Paul Lepage helped to free the legislative pastries from the trunk of a meeting organizer's car. He could have hired an intern, or better a caterer, but took this weighty mission upon himself. Ms. Paula's hope is that someone is paying for the pastries out of their own pocket, for the rest of us in the state are paying $3.49 out of our pockets for a loaf of bread. Subsidizing the meals of politicos at the state house in these tight times is unacceptable.
As the State of Maine heads into an era of eliminating programs, cutting off funding, and consolidating, we the people of Maine should not have to fund any food programs for politicians. Cutting should start right at the source. All meals and lodging, all trips, any and all expense account reimbursements should cease. The regular people of Maine pay for gasoline to drive day in and day out. We pay for all our meals out of pocket. And as far as the expense of flying to meetings, junkets, training, or Washington, most of this is excess that can, and should be, taken care of on the nearest computer.
On another note, upon Lepage's suggestion, the house has installed Bruce Poliquin as Treasurer. Let's see if he can keep Robert Nutting's hands out of the treasure. Nutting is the 'republicon' Speaker of the House, freshly back from a four year stint at the Waterville Walmart pharmacy. Nutting filed chapter 7 bankruptcy for his pharmaceutical company, to avoid repaying the State of Maine 1.6 million dollars. Speaking of Waterville notice a trend here? Lepage, Waterville, Poliquin, Waterville, Robert Nutting, yes, yes, Waterville. But How does Charlie Summers fit in? He moved here in 1983 from Kewanee, Illinois. Charlie gets to have his name on your license for he has been appointed, I mean anointed to the position of Secretary of State. Well it turns out that Charlie was an aid to Olympia Snow, and Olympia's first husband paid for King Paul to attend Husson College. Ahhh... the sweet beauty of the blossoming 'Republicon' reign in Maine.
Well good day, for now. Ms. Paula Page
As the State of Maine heads into an era of eliminating programs, cutting off funding, and consolidating, we the people of Maine should not have to fund any food programs for politicians. Cutting should start right at the source. All meals and lodging, all trips, any and all expense account reimbursements should cease. The regular people of Maine pay for gasoline to drive day in and day out. We pay for all our meals out of pocket. And as far as the expense of flying to meetings, junkets, training, or Washington, most of this is excess that can, and should be, taken care of on the nearest computer.
On another note, upon Lepage's suggestion, the house has installed Bruce Poliquin as Treasurer. Let's see if he can keep Robert Nutting's hands out of the treasure. Nutting is the 'republicon' Speaker of the House, freshly back from a four year stint at the Waterville Walmart pharmacy. Nutting filed chapter 7 bankruptcy for his pharmaceutical company, to avoid repaying the State of Maine 1.6 million dollars. Speaking of Waterville notice a trend here? Lepage, Waterville, Poliquin, Waterville, Robert Nutting, yes, yes, Waterville. But How does Charlie Summers fit in? He moved here in 1983 from Kewanee, Illinois. Charlie gets to have his name on your license for he has been appointed, I mean anointed to the position of Secretary of State. Well it turns out that Charlie was an aid to Olympia Snow, and Olympia's first husband paid for King Paul to attend Husson College. Ahhh... the sweet beauty of the blossoming 'Republicon' reign in Maine.
Well good day, for now. Ms. Paula Page
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Today He heads for Washington; into the bowels of hell.
Paul Lepage heads to Washington today, too among other things meet with the president of the United States. Perhaps, President Obama will have a very warm room ready for him. I wonder how much this trip, that he could have said no to, will cost us? So much for saying go to hell.
King Paul has held a meeting with 100 invited business people (I presume), to discuss deregulating business itself. To in fact hand over the keys to the slave wagers, slum lords, super-fund site sicocorps of this nation. Regulation exists to protect against the poor practices that steal our resources, exploit our families and reduce our state. Maine has it's own character. Maine has and is a natural open space. I for one have never wanted a New Jersey, a Massachusetts or Connecticut business climate here. Why should we be the same? Pave it over, civil engineer it all, for another industrial shopping mall. Yes, the State of Maine, could use jobs, but new jobs, not another Walmart, Walgreen, Riteaid, slop shop sub hub.
King Paul is the epitome of slave wager for what he was willing to pay employees at Mardens. People under his employment worked forty hours a week for a far less then a "livable wage" and many use state welfare programs just to stay in apartments. His employees could not begin to afford Mardens health insurance plan, and most are on Mainecare.
The very idea of Paul Lepage knowing fair, just, equitable business for Maine, in the interest of the Maine people is absurd. He still has his eleven year old runaway attitude, and anger to match it. This man will prove to be a self serving slug. With the typical republican idea of, "the greatest good is me".
Sorry about the rant. Meanwhile, here is a thought on jobs.
We should lead in producing, and using green energy. Creating solar panels from composites, and installing entire roofing systems on new homes that use these products. And yes, I think it should be mandatory that all new homes built in the state should have to have some level of passive solar, photovoltaic solar, and solar thermal water systems. These jobs are realistic, yet unavailable. Only through regulation could these jobs ever happen here.
Bye for now, Ms. Paula Page
King Paul has held a meeting with 100 invited business people (I presume), to discuss deregulating business itself. To in fact hand over the keys to the slave wagers, slum lords, super-fund site sicocorps of this nation. Regulation exists to protect against the poor practices that steal our resources, exploit our families and reduce our state. Maine has it's own character. Maine has and is a natural open space. I for one have never wanted a New Jersey, a Massachusetts or Connecticut business climate here. Why should we be the same? Pave it over, civil engineer it all, for another industrial shopping mall. Yes, the State of Maine, could use jobs, but new jobs, not another Walmart, Walgreen, Riteaid, slop shop sub hub.
King Paul is the epitome of slave wager for what he was willing to pay employees at Mardens. People under his employment worked forty hours a week for a far less then a "livable wage" and many use state welfare programs just to stay in apartments. His employees could not begin to afford Mardens health insurance plan, and most are on Mainecare.
The very idea of Paul Lepage knowing fair, just, equitable business for Maine, in the interest of the Maine people is absurd. He still has his eleven year old runaway attitude, and anger to match it. This man will prove to be a self serving slug. With the typical republican idea of, "the greatest good is me".
Sorry about the rant. Meanwhile, here is a thought on jobs.
We should lead in producing, and using green energy. Creating solar panels from composites, and installing entire roofing systems on new homes that use these products. And yes, I think it should be mandatory that all new homes built in the state should have to have some level of passive solar, photovoltaic solar, and solar thermal water systems. These jobs are realistic, yet unavailable. Only through regulation could these jobs ever happen here.
Bye for now, Ms. Paula Page
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