Imagine a State where there is no redress of executive ignorance. A State where, the bully-pulpit is actually in the hands and mouth of a Bully. The irony of a impoverished petty man, working over an entire State for his own personal gain without any regard to the wishes, needs or desires of the people of that State, is tyrannical. We need not imagine this sorry State any longer, for we live in it. That is if you live in the State of Maine, as I do.
Here in Maine the default Governor and his merry henchman are going about their criminal agenda almost unabated. Lepage is cutting taxes, to create budget short falls. Mismanaging the peoples money too create lies on losses! Then he is telling the people of the State it is their fault! Lepage is, a domestic assault on our entire State! The Governor has issued letters to state employees and the latest one should remind us all of Dan Demerit's (former communications for Lepage) comments on forcing our state employees to become registered republicans and to support Lepage's agenda. For Lepage's latest letter comes down to a threat to employees,- join me or get out! These people do their jobs for the people of Maine. They do not work for the Lepagian Republican Corruption Committee. The Governor has called the people in the State's employ corrupt. Though the majority of Mainers know that Lepage himself is the corruption of Maine and her citizens. We have no recall legislation available to us in Maine. If we did, Lepage would be gone already. Today Lepage is insuring his Pension and reducing the tax on his Pension. Today he is cutting his taxes and reducing the average Mainers ability to be gainfully employed. His idea of job growth is screaming for people to "get off the couch and get a job." All the while jobs are leaving the State. What good company, ethical company, would want to do business with someone as unstable an ill conceived as Paul Lepage? Lepage believes people are a burden; not a State, a community, a family. Lepage demonstrates this with every tax cut for himself and every cut back on children, elderly and needful person in the State. He plans to cut education at its start. He plans to rig his temporary systems to hide his thefts from the people until he is long gone to Florida. And the angry little men in the middle with him think they all have something to gain from him. Let's just call them almost ready to retire with no kids at home.
These folks think because they have little, you should have less. Despite how hard you have worked or how long you've worked at it. They believe, they and they alone have cracked the code of the Constitution. That, indeed their personal interpretation is the only one. These self same little men think they have cracked the God code as well, and indeed have the market on religion cornered. Perhaps they will have an IPO soon. Thus, proving their profits.
So far off the tide has the State of Maine sailed in a year and a half. This State is being used to fight against the best interests of the people of Maine and the Nation. Lepage knows that, the Republicans know that. To defeat healthcare for a Nation, even with the market forces still involved in our insurance, the republicans have decided to unfund you and take their taxes out of the game! They want to continue the private fraudulent fleecing of you and yours. If the People of the Nation demand what health care they must supply and what it should cost, well the Republicans could not steal as much of our money and call it "profit." They too would have to work for the money like the rest of us. The last thing Republicans want is you in control of your health care. And for that matter your finances. Lepage is working to lower the wages and benefits of every would be employee in the State of Maine, public and private. His ideas on business only consist of reducing labor and reducing pay! Starting with the Unions that work at contracts for better pay and working conditions, Lepage hopes to lower them and there by lower all to the New reduced "Lepage welfare wage earner!" The higher his profits the lower your wage, regardless of how hard you work! The Republicans now represent a theft of Conscience, an abomination of morality and ethics, and the end of a working Democratic Republic. People like Lepage reinforce this everyday, it is the People against the The Elephant of ignorance.