Vote tomorrow dear America
Vote because you can
Vote tomorrow citizens
Vote united you are
Vote because you rule
Vote in numbers
Vote as one
Vote be
On a mission to discover, discuss and disrobe the political clown parade of Politics today.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Republican Idealogues Cannot Build nor Save our State
Fear of taxes in the Face of debt is fear of responsibility. War, the Republicans wanted it, got it and now choose not to pay the debt! Two wars and tax breaks to those glorious Corporate Citizens! Yes, you know them, the New Globalists who believe their citizenship is world market share and Resource exploitation. The Bushes and Willards of the NEW WORLD order that say, "We made it there and shall pay US nothing! Yes, the same set that like to blame our education system for not creating the trained, blind and oblivious followers of Republican Ignorance. Education is not the training of people for employ by the Corporate Citizen, it is the creating of an educated, capable citizen. The manufacturers, the businesses, the tech heavy and woeful business world used to train qualified willing people for their respective positions, though now it is seen to be a failing of the educational system to not have at the Corporate disposal ready made soldiers for the Global front! Hog-swill I say. Our first duty is to family, Our second to community our Third to Country! Our debts as a country must be paid. Believing that lower taxes on those who take the most, waste the most and demand the most is wrong and just plain Republican ignorance, period. Until we resolve our outstanding debts, until the everyman can live again with a sense of place and economic security, our country, our communities are in Danger! The Republicans blame the weakest people in our Nation for taking too much; that being the barest of needful things, food and health. Yet, we work and the Corporate Citizen pays us less, and works us more. No longer do our companies offer Pensions~ Those are long gone. So they pretend to offer up a 401k retirement plan, which every ten years is raided by the Wall St. Corporate Citizen in the name of the free market, not the free American! Our 'insurances' for working, we pay as the company pretends to help pay for it! Our rates climb, the hard work pays little, the Company must profit and the worker must pay! It is indeed a system of Lie, Cheat and Steal, with the Corporate Citizens backed by the Biggest lying, cheating, wasting machine there is today, that being the Republican Corporate Machine. They would pay no taxes, yet keep spending on the unlimited, undisclosed Pentagon Budget! Yes, indeed there is NO Budget for Military spending, it is the Favorite money flush of the Republican. The Military Industrial Complex has been their wonderful money Machine. Yet, your education, your roads, jobs and indeed the future of the United States of America, well to the Republicans, that is a New World Order problem, not theirs!~ Pay more taxes or get ready for the stone soup lines and sawdust bread of yesterday! Ignorance is no excuse for not paying the bills~ The Corporate Citizens continue to skim the cream off the Country and refuse to give back in a real way. They have found that setting up fake non-profit organizations (mostly political) is a great tax break; they then use these to rationalize that they indeed have given back, when all the really have done is create a lobby for their cause to take more money from OUR country! Be not blind, the everyday, average American has not created this problem, nor have the poorest and sickest. No, this problem is the continuation of the Republican Corporate Citizen. Globalism does not build up a nation and stolen wealth does not trickle down. God save the Truths! Good day.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Myth of the Job Creators, The Future Eaters
Heard the mating cry of the Future eaters yet? "We are the Job Creators!" Today, a greedy small group has found a way to sell-out and exploit the entire Nation. Today, rather than companies creating great American works, they are deliberately destroying America's future. The scam is to set US back to wages based on minimum wage, with no benefits, no environmental protections, insurance, vacation, ect. Too, indeed create poverty and induce a desperate and separate Nation.
Here are a few questions for you. How is giving money to people who already have more than enough, unlike welfare? 'Here, you have a lot of money', so "WE" think you should have some more to put with it! Bailouts to the wealthy, Too Big To Fail are failures. Indeed, it is theft! Does having more money force one to use it to create jobs? Does having more food force one to eat more? No, it is stored away. Like canned food on a shelf. Like dried beans and rice; forever until needed.
These Republican would be creators, create destruction. We see that 401k programs are utter and complete failures as retirement vehicles, so they attack the last of the pensioned people; those with promised retirement funding. They go even further by attacking regulation of their theft. Rather than fix the lie they push, that is, 401k is good for you. The truth, 401k is good only for their profit. Thus, future is denied US. For the profit of today. To believe killing Unions is good for the people of a Nation is another Job Creator lie. People know what people need to live, even in the simplest State. Time is the line of progress; Consistent, continuous and inclusive, for all. The Job Creators wish to stop people from gathering together to discuss and monitor the cost of living, the dangers of their jobs and the negotiable solutions. They wish not to face the trained, analytical eye of cost, profit, loss and Nation. When the people meet, they learn and share. Republicans need US to stop sharing and learning. For we may see why they hide money over seas and why they work to subvert the Democracy and the people of the United States of America.
Wage earners need not hide money in a foreign country, it is spent in their country, on their needs. The Job Creators do need to hide it, to exploit their country and forgo Civic duty. According to the Republicans for wage earners to exploit their country all they need to do is need help. Help in the form of Education, Health care or food. While the thoughtful Republican complains the working American wants to much and we should lower their wages and cut our Taxes. Lower wages create need, not jobs. Their lower taxes just more dried beans and rice. In fact lower wages kill growth, cause debt and destroy healthy family units. But these creative Corporate Citizens believe destruction is creation of profit so on they go; to where they do not know, but profit for themselves is assured, for they just lowered their tax bills.
How long can these Republicans believe that hoarding wealth against the future, creates a good future for them? How long can these Corporate Citizens believe that controlling Our money, Our economy, gives them power over US? A Nation is its people and its works, nothing more. Republicans have proven time over time that they work for themselves, independent of the Nation. That if war is good for them, for profit can be made, then war is what WE shall pay them for! These Corporate Citizens force US to stick to and Subsidize Big Energy; though we know for a fact it has a shelf life and is a corrupt force in the world. The future depends on NOW, government investments created Big Energy, oil, the electric grid, the ports, all of it! To believe investments today in tomorrows needs cost to much is a Republican lie! For they are skimming off all the profits from the investments of the past! Real success is possible and is measurable. When employees, employer and State and Federal needs are met and there is profit in both Capital and Community, that is success; That is to be rewarded. The Modern Republican Corporate Citizen does not believe this, for they produce nothing. They stand in the middle, a zone between Government and production, Speculating, Pontificating, and writing exemptions to the laws of our land, that leave the people poor and with no recourse. The Republican Corporate Citizen continues without regulation to steal the wealth, prosperity and future of Our Nation, rewarding themselves all the while for their clever theft, never seeing the Country they Kill!
Here are a few questions for you. How is giving money to people who already have more than enough, unlike welfare? 'Here, you have a lot of money', so "WE" think you should have some more to put with it! Bailouts to the wealthy, Too Big To Fail are failures. Indeed, it is theft! Does having more money force one to use it to create jobs? Does having more food force one to eat more? No, it is stored away. Like canned food on a shelf. Like dried beans and rice; forever until needed.
These Republican would be creators, create destruction. We see that 401k programs are utter and complete failures as retirement vehicles, so they attack the last of the pensioned people; those with promised retirement funding. They go even further by attacking regulation of their theft. Rather than fix the lie they push, that is, 401k is good for you. The truth, 401k is good only for their profit. Thus, future is denied US. For the profit of today. To believe killing Unions is good for the people of a Nation is another Job Creator lie. People know what people need to live, even in the simplest State. Time is the line of progress; Consistent, continuous and inclusive, for all. The Job Creators wish to stop people from gathering together to discuss and monitor the cost of living, the dangers of their jobs and the negotiable solutions. They wish not to face the trained, analytical eye of cost, profit, loss and Nation. When the people meet, they learn and share. Republicans need US to stop sharing and learning. For we may see why they hide money over seas and why they work to subvert the Democracy and the people of the United States of America.
Wage earners need not hide money in a foreign country, it is spent in their country, on their needs. The Job Creators do need to hide it, to exploit their country and forgo Civic duty. According to the Republicans for wage earners to exploit their country all they need to do is need help. Help in the form of Education, Health care or food. While the thoughtful Republican complains the working American wants to much and we should lower their wages and cut our Taxes. Lower wages create need, not jobs. Their lower taxes just more dried beans and rice. In fact lower wages kill growth, cause debt and destroy healthy family units. But these creative Corporate Citizens believe destruction is creation of profit so on they go; to where they do not know, but profit for themselves is assured, for they just lowered their tax bills.
How long can these Republicans believe that hoarding wealth against the future, creates a good future for them? How long can these Corporate Citizens believe that controlling Our money, Our economy, gives them power over US? A Nation is its people and its works, nothing more. Republicans have proven time over time that they work for themselves, independent of the Nation. That if war is good for them, for profit can be made, then war is what WE shall pay them for! These Corporate Citizens force US to stick to and Subsidize Big Energy; though we know for a fact it has a shelf life and is a corrupt force in the world. The future depends on NOW, government investments created Big Energy, oil, the electric grid, the ports, all of it! To believe investments today in tomorrows needs cost to much is a Republican lie! For they are skimming off all the profits from the investments of the past! Real success is possible and is measurable. When employees, employer and State and Federal needs are met and there is profit in both Capital and Community, that is success; That is to be rewarded. The Modern Republican Corporate Citizen does not believe this, for they produce nothing. They stand in the middle, a zone between Government and production, Speculating, Pontificating, and writing exemptions to the laws of our land, that leave the people poor and with no recourse. The Republican Corporate Citizen continues without regulation to steal the wealth, prosperity and future of Our Nation, rewarding themselves all the while for their clever theft, never seeing the Country they Kill!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
A Bully, The Elephant of Ignorance
Imagine a State where there is no redress of executive ignorance. A State where, the bully-pulpit is actually in the hands and mouth of a Bully. The irony of a impoverished petty man, working over an entire State for his own personal gain without any regard to the wishes, needs or desires of the people of that State, is tyrannical. We need not imagine this sorry State any longer, for we live in it. That is if you live in the State of Maine, as I do.
Here in Maine the default Governor and his merry henchman are going about their criminal agenda almost unabated. Lepage is cutting taxes, to create budget short falls. Mismanaging the peoples money too create lies on losses! Then he is telling the people of the State it is their fault! Lepage is, a domestic assault on our entire State! The Governor has issued letters to state employees and the latest one should remind us all of Dan Demerit's (former communications for Lepage) comments on forcing our state employees to become registered republicans and to support Lepage's agenda. For Lepage's latest letter comes down to a threat to employees,- join me or get out! These people do their jobs for the people of Maine. They do not work for the Lepagian Republican Corruption Committee. The Governor has called the people in the State's employ corrupt. Though the majority of Mainers know that Lepage himself is the corruption of Maine and her citizens. We have no recall legislation available to us in Maine. If we did, Lepage would be gone already. Today Lepage is insuring his Pension and reducing the tax on his Pension. Today he is cutting his taxes and reducing the average Mainers ability to be gainfully employed. His idea of job growth is screaming for people to "get off the couch and get a job." All the while jobs are leaving the State. What good company, ethical company, would want to do business with someone as unstable an ill conceived as Paul Lepage? Lepage believes people are a burden; not a State, a community, a family. Lepage demonstrates this with every tax cut for himself and every cut back on children, elderly and needful person in the State. He plans to cut education at its start. He plans to rig his temporary systems to hide his thefts from the people until he is long gone to Florida. And the angry little men in the middle with him think they all have something to gain from him. Let's just call them almost ready to retire with no kids at home.
These folks think because they have little, you should have less. Despite how hard you have worked or how long you've worked at it. They believe, they and they alone have cracked the code of the Constitution. That, indeed their personal interpretation is the only one. These self same little men think they have cracked the God code as well, and indeed have the market on religion cornered. Perhaps they will have an IPO soon. Thus, proving their profits.
So far off the tide has the State of Maine sailed in a year and a half. This State is being used to fight against the best interests of the people of Maine and the Nation. Lepage knows that, the Republicans know that. To defeat healthcare for a Nation, even with the market forces still involved in our insurance, the republicans have decided to unfund you and take their taxes out of the game! They want to continue the private fraudulent fleecing of you and yours. If the People of the Nation demand what health care they must supply and what it should cost, well the Republicans could not steal as much of our money and call it "profit." They too would have to work for the money like the rest of us. The last thing Republicans want is you in control of your health care. And for that matter your finances. Lepage is working to lower the wages and benefits of every would be employee in the State of Maine, public and private. His ideas on business only consist of reducing labor and reducing pay! Starting with the Unions that work at contracts for better pay and working conditions, Lepage hopes to lower them and there by lower all to the New reduced "Lepage welfare wage earner!" The higher his profits the lower your wage, regardless of how hard you work! The Republicans now represent a theft of Conscience, an abomination of morality and ethics, and the end of a working Democratic Republic. People like Lepage reinforce this everyday, it is the People against the The Elephant of ignorance.
Here in Maine the default Governor and his merry henchman are going about their criminal agenda almost unabated. Lepage is cutting taxes, to create budget short falls. Mismanaging the peoples money too create lies on losses! Then he is telling the people of the State it is their fault! Lepage is, a domestic assault on our entire State! The Governor has issued letters to state employees and the latest one should remind us all of Dan Demerit's (former communications for Lepage) comments on forcing our state employees to become registered republicans and to support Lepage's agenda. For Lepage's latest letter comes down to a threat to employees,- join me or get out! These people do their jobs for the people of Maine. They do not work for the Lepagian Republican Corruption Committee. The Governor has called the people in the State's employ corrupt. Though the majority of Mainers know that Lepage himself is the corruption of Maine and her citizens. We have no recall legislation available to us in Maine. If we did, Lepage would be gone already. Today Lepage is insuring his Pension and reducing the tax on his Pension. Today he is cutting his taxes and reducing the average Mainers ability to be gainfully employed. His idea of job growth is screaming for people to "get off the couch and get a job." All the while jobs are leaving the State. What good company, ethical company, would want to do business with someone as unstable an ill conceived as Paul Lepage? Lepage believes people are a burden; not a State, a community, a family. Lepage demonstrates this with every tax cut for himself and every cut back on children, elderly and needful person in the State. He plans to cut education at its start. He plans to rig his temporary systems to hide his thefts from the people until he is long gone to Florida. And the angry little men in the middle with him think they all have something to gain from him. Let's just call them almost ready to retire with no kids at home.
These folks think because they have little, you should have less. Despite how hard you have worked or how long you've worked at it. They believe, they and they alone have cracked the code of the Constitution. That, indeed their personal interpretation is the only one. These self same little men think they have cracked the God code as well, and indeed have the market on religion cornered. Perhaps they will have an IPO soon. Thus, proving their profits.
So far off the tide has the State of Maine sailed in a year and a half. This State is being used to fight against the best interests of the people of Maine and the Nation. Lepage knows that, the Republicans know that. To defeat healthcare for a Nation, even with the market forces still involved in our insurance, the republicans have decided to unfund you and take their taxes out of the game! They want to continue the private fraudulent fleecing of you and yours. If the People of the Nation demand what health care they must supply and what it should cost, well the Republicans could not steal as much of our money and call it "profit." They too would have to work for the money like the rest of us. The last thing Republicans want is you in control of your health care. And for that matter your finances. Lepage is working to lower the wages and benefits of every would be employee in the State of Maine, public and private. His ideas on business only consist of reducing labor and reducing pay! Starting with the Unions that work at contracts for better pay and working conditions, Lepage hopes to lower them and there by lower all to the New reduced "Lepage welfare wage earner!" The higher his profits the lower your wage, regardless of how hard you work! The Republicans now represent a theft of Conscience, an abomination of morality and ethics, and the end of a working Democratic Republic. People like Lepage reinforce this everyday, it is the People against the The Elephant of ignorance.
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