So did you all get to see the New Gov. T.V. ? Brought to us all by The Foundation for a better life. What is this organization that would freely bring us such a capitol program? The foundation for a better life is beyond a doubt a christian religious organization. So, I feel very free in saying that King Paul has brought religion in to sponsor his Monarchy in Maine. Regardless of the beautiful Mormonic messages, of how if we just cared about our little lives and ignored the big picture we would all be saved the pain of life, this is wrong. Get religion out of Maine politics now! To not air this program on Maine Public Television is also wrong. Many of us in Maine have no cable t.v. and no computer. We still receive our television free over the air. This is no accident though, the exclusion of Maine's greatest media asset is calculated and gross. The Red Agenda hopes for it's removal from the people as a bank of the mindful trust.
Now on to King Paul's biggest problem,"trying to keep the political rhetoric out of the daily work." Yes, folks according to Lepage this is "the biggest challenge in government." Really? So stealing from the Pension, that is easier then dealing with the conversations about it? Taxing all of the public sector workers in the State an extra 2% and giving a 2% increase to the general fund on their backs is easier than dealing with rhetoric? Hiring for loyalty rather than experience, that is easier than listening to people's problems with it? There are just so many examples of why Lepage is a crisis of Leadership. Not being able to think is just One of the stand outs. The entire Red Agenda that he and his cronies are pushing is to lead you to believe that all of your problems stem from personal accountability and personal responsibility; indeed we are his social problem (just watch the commercials). Rather than state it is the Corporate welfare (that he is all for), healthcare, livable wages and poverty that are the problems. Yes, if we would just be managed, like a business, government's people problem would be gone. Sorry, Mr. Lepage I am not your Business. I am a Native Son of Maine and America. Proud enough to say to you, in no way do you represent the best of Maine or America. You in fact, are the New Corporate Ignominy of America. We are not your units of labor, "we are the People of Maine."
Folks, as to the Movies that want to come to Maine that ol' Pauly speaks of, well if you take a look at who Philip Anschutz is and his Conservative agenda, that his holdings include not only The foundation for a better life, but oil, Internet and oh yes, Large movie making companies among other things, you can easily understand why King Paul has No problem with the Corporate welfare to bring these to Maine. Funny thing he is willing to say 0% of $80million is still 0% as it relates to movies. I say, 0% honesty of 100% politics is 0% leadership. Lepage seems to think that we are open for Business. Come, leave your money and trash. Don't worry about picking up after yourselves, we'll do that for Nothing. Everything leaves the people of Maine picking up the tab. As he grows our wages lower, the tax burden will grow. If business does not pay its "fair share" we go to hell. But we will all have the Corporate welfare job!! That is so nice. People open your eyes, do your home work. Everyone pays, or no one pays!! To subsidize your own decay as a state is a very funny business plan and only Lepage could think it just, fair and equitable.
One more note, Lepage wants the Power to appoint Judges to A new EPA (LD1). These Judges would not even have to face review of the joint standing committee. Please, review this Document carefully, it is a gross miscarriage of Justice in Maine. Also he thinks a quorum of Two is legitimate to conduct business for the majority. (Governor's proposed amendment to LD1, an act to ensure regulatory fairness and reform.)
Be well, Keep thinking. All the best to you. Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page
On a mission to discover, discuss and disrobe the political clown parade of Politics today.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
Sitting with the doors closed and the blinds drawn
So on the tail of another great executive edict, Mr. Transparency Lepage has stated, "you can't get inside my head." A perfect statement from a paranoid delusional, but not great coming from a governor of any State, let alone the one we live in. When someone feels secrecy is their best option it is because their intentions are to violate something. Whether that is the people's trust, laws, or rights, who can say. The facts are clear though King Paul has no intentions of having an open Government. Our right to a government that is, "of the people, by the people and for the people," has been taken! His administration, Cabinet and Staff, is being run by Agenda tanks of the thoughtless, careless and mistaken. The Maine Heritage Policy Center and Americans for Prosperity (staff of one in Maine?) Carol Weston, along with the other long arms of the Kochtapussy. These entities set themselves up as 509c and 501.c.3. non-profits. In this way they avoid taxes and create a system of tax deductible contributions. These are one-sided policy pushers, with no thought of truth or "summum bonum."
Everything put forward by them, when broken down becomes a free-market push for the Corporations to form Federal Constitutional Monarchies. Indeed when you can control all the policy and all the wealth, you can control the government. Which is exactly what the Republicans in Washington are trying to do right now. Asserting their agenda, while denying they are complicit. Cutting the people out of government and handing Our government to the very Corporations that have forced this nation to bankruptcy. What we see right now in Maine is a bought and paid for Governor incapable of leadership waiting for his Koch orders via a Bragdon, a Bowen or the RGA. So he sits and waits in secrecy, growing a small hairy lip covering and taking his meds. The problem here is not only the lack of transparency, but the intent of these people. They never overlay facts to see a central truth. They are takers of all, and will lie to do it. These are intelligent people, which means they know there are greater truths than they put forward. They just do not care about the State of Maine, or the people. It is a modern manifest destiny; you are in their way. Believing they are justified because they took your money. Now they come for the institutions. The most foolish amongst them believes Trickle Down economics works and they stand with their heads up and mouths open like so many little birds, waiting for momma to drop a bug or worm perhaps, down their gullets. The most intelligent amongst them knows it is a theft of wealth and power. When the great analysts finally wrap their heads around the facts and work these issues down to the marrow of the matter, they will see that this has been a civil war and that the American People are lost or losing. This two party system is an abysmal failure, for it comes down to waste on the one side, greed on the other and neither have realism and truth at their core. I can not support this puppet government. Paul Lepage is unqualified and incapable of leadership of the people. He has never thought of people and never will. If we are to live for the "Corporate State" and sacrifice our desire for clean environments, well educated independent children and livable wages; we might as well load the Cannons now, stuff the tenets of the country in as batting and light the fuse. Better too obliterate the truth than live with the lie.
All the best to you. Keep thinking, Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page
Everything put forward by them, when broken down becomes a free-market push for the Corporations to form Federal Constitutional Monarchies. Indeed when you can control all the policy and all the wealth, you can control the government. Which is exactly what the Republicans in Washington are trying to do right now. Asserting their agenda, while denying they are complicit. Cutting the people out of government and handing Our government to the very Corporations that have forced this nation to bankruptcy. What we see right now in Maine is a bought and paid for Governor incapable of leadership waiting for his Koch orders via a Bragdon, a Bowen or the RGA. So he sits and waits in secrecy, growing a small hairy lip covering and taking his meds. The problem here is not only the lack of transparency, but the intent of these people. They never overlay facts to see a central truth. They are takers of all, and will lie to do it. These are intelligent people, which means they know there are greater truths than they put forward. They just do not care about the State of Maine, or the people. It is a modern manifest destiny; you are in their way. Believing they are justified because they took your money. Now they come for the institutions. The most foolish amongst them believes Trickle Down economics works and they stand with their heads up and mouths open like so many little birds, waiting for momma to drop a bug or worm perhaps, down their gullets. The most intelligent amongst them knows it is a theft of wealth and power. When the great analysts finally wrap their heads around the facts and work these issues down to the marrow of the matter, they will see that this has been a civil war and that the American People are lost or losing. This two party system is an abysmal failure, for it comes down to waste on the one side, greed on the other and neither have realism and truth at their core. I can not support this puppet government. Paul Lepage is unqualified and incapable of leadership of the people. He has never thought of people and never will. If we are to live for the "Corporate State" and sacrifice our desire for clean environments, well educated independent children and livable wages; we might as well load the Cannons now, stuff the tenets of the country in as batting and light the fuse. Better too obliterate the truth than live with the lie.
All the best to you. Keep thinking, Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page
Friday, March 4, 2011
The Tyrant Speaks to a Minority
With thoughts of Surplus and Salvage in mind let's look at the Facts of King Paul and his chosen ones.
Yesterday King Paul stepped out on OUR front porch to address his Iced tea people(frozen and fact-less), the 70 or so people who think they have enough education to fill State positions, as they become vacated by the educated. The King Stated, "the only people not complaining are the ones working to pay the bills." Really, this is to say that all of the State workers and their supporters are not working and paying more than their fair share of taxes!! Ass. Look at your base, their contribution to our State. Are they really the givers, the compassionate conservatives, the College educated, freethinkers of a society? Or are they the angry because they did not seek further study, did not learn the complex process of information distillation. Where other than loyalty to your ineptitude do they display any thought for the truth, health and wealth of OUR State? Cuts must be made, bills must be paid and the Truth must lead the way. Your hyperbolic rhetoric does nothing for Our State. Does nothing in Fact for any of US; The people that pay our bills. This is an everyone struggle, tight times have befallen us all. The reality of the situation is you and your little ever shrinking minority are on the wrong side of History. To lower the wages, and rip away the last true benefits of the gainfully employed is to create a fast food economy. It truly is a mission of deception and leads to a place where no comparison is left for the poor to strive too. As we rid ourselves of a hard working middle that does have the promise of a better future to strive for, we shall be left with a "Why should I even care to try mentality." You know, the one you propagated at Mardens (one year of hard work to find you can get nothing and there is no where to go from here, so why show up for work).
IF you succeed in reducing the educated, working people to the benefit of the average MARDENS worker you will have the laziest, uncaring and most ridiculous state in the Northeast. A brain drain will and is occurring as we speak. For you discount all that is good, true and right; this is criminal. Your business model is that of the Fascist and when the people are your mere unit of Labor, they shall wake up as they do in China every day and not give a flying F**k what they do! You Have no virtue, no redeeming quality and are entirely of no worth to an argument to save a civil and just society. When the people wake up, you shall feel truth for the very first time. The People are not a business, our government is not a company and you are ignorant. You have yet to create any job for this state. Put forth any thing that would actually create a job or create revenue for this State. In fact all you have done is create division, fear and Waste of resources. Creating poverty lends itself to poverty. You lift no one, and your minority seeks only to lower everyone. Ignoring the truth, instilling the lies does no good to cover the facts, many of us read, think and live as civil majority citizens, looking to and striving for the best we all can be. Corporate institutions in no way reflect what the truth of work's value or the truth of worth in a people is. Corporations are cheap, nasty and barely accountable for their sins against human kind. A government by design is to set the example; To Be The TRUTH! You went out of your way yesterday to ignore the Majority on the other side of the State house, near your office. Where hundreds of people gathered to be heard and know that in any way you heard then or Cared at all. You have chosen and that is clear. Now the people have chosen to Stand against you to drive you Out. Govern Our State, for the people, with the people in Mind or prepare to leave. The choice is yours, it always has been. Good luck, Start Thinking!!
Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page
Yesterday King Paul stepped out on OUR front porch to address his Iced tea people(frozen and fact-less), the 70 or so people who think they have enough education to fill State positions, as they become vacated by the educated. The King Stated, "the only people not complaining are the ones working to pay the bills." Really, this is to say that all of the State workers and their supporters are not working and paying more than their fair share of taxes!! Ass. Look at your base, their contribution to our State. Are they really the givers, the compassionate conservatives, the College educated, freethinkers of a society? Or are they the angry because they did not seek further study, did not learn the complex process of information distillation. Where other than loyalty to your ineptitude do they display any thought for the truth, health and wealth of OUR State? Cuts must be made, bills must be paid and the Truth must lead the way. Your hyperbolic rhetoric does nothing for Our State. Does nothing in Fact for any of US; The people that pay our bills. This is an everyone struggle, tight times have befallen us all. The reality of the situation is you and your little ever shrinking minority are on the wrong side of History. To lower the wages, and rip away the last true benefits of the gainfully employed is to create a fast food economy. It truly is a mission of deception and leads to a place where no comparison is left for the poor to strive too. As we rid ourselves of a hard working middle that does have the promise of a better future to strive for, we shall be left with a "Why should I even care to try mentality." You know, the one you propagated at Mardens (one year of hard work to find you can get nothing and there is no where to go from here, so why show up for work).
IF you succeed in reducing the educated, working people to the benefit of the average MARDENS worker you will have the laziest, uncaring and most ridiculous state in the Northeast. A brain drain will and is occurring as we speak. For you discount all that is good, true and right; this is criminal. Your business model is that of the Fascist and when the people are your mere unit of Labor, they shall wake up as they do in China every day and not give a flying F**k what they do! You Have no virtue, no redeeming quality and are entirely of no worth to an argument to save a civil and just society. When the people wake up, you shall feel truth for the very first time. The People are not a business, our government is not a company and you are ignorant. You have yet to create any job for this state. Put forth any thing that would actually create a job or create revenue for this State. In fact all you have done is create division, fear and Waste of resources. Creating poverty lends itself to poverty. You lift no one, and your minority seeks only to lower everyone. Ignoring the truth, instilling the lies does no good to cover the facts, many of us read, think and live as civil majority citizens, looking to and striving for the best we all can be. Corporate institutions in no way reflect what the truth of work's value or the truth of worth in a people is. Corporations are cheap, nasty and barely accountable for their sins against human kind. A government by design is to set the example; To Be The TRUTH! You went out of your way yesterday to ignore the Majority on the other side of the State house, near your office. Where hundreds of people gathered to be heard and know that in any way you heard then or Cared at all. You have chosen and that is clear. Now the people have chosen to Stand against you to drive you Out. Govern Our State, for the people, with the people in Mind or prepare to leave. The choice is yours, it always has been. Good luck, Start Thinking!!
Sincerely, Ms. Paula Page
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